October 20, 2024

Baptized on Monday, October 14:  Jon Roman Torres, infant son of Michael & Lissa Torres, was born October 8, 2024. His sponsors are Noelle Zahn & Caleb Zahn.

Flowers on the altar for Sunday, October 20, are given to God’s glory by Ernie & Marge Lillo for the blessing of 60 years of marriage.

Fall Congregation Informational Meeting: Sunday, October 20, at 9:40am in the church Social Hall. Get an update from our Boards and Committees about how things are going at Mt. Olive!

People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our last church service): Claudia Eisberg; Hal & Marsha Natvig; Ben Faugstad; Owen Saidler; Duane Pansegrau; Christopher Pettman; Pete Schuch and his mom, Kathy; Lois Stankey; Katie Tweit; Darci Matzke; Lorena Merseth; John Sehloff; and Christina Harman.

Thank you! Hal & Marsha Natvig would like to express their appreciation for the love and Christian support of the Mt. Olive congregation during Marsha’s hospitalization and treatment for cancer.

Last Sunday, at our New Member Reception, we welcomed new members who joined Mt. Olive within the last six months, either by transfer from sister congregations or by profession of faith: James Albright; Michael & Cynthia Barlow; Sarah Breukelaar; Laura Davis; Kyle & Madelyn Hillmann, Owen, and Lucille; Isaiah & Laura Koepsell, and Jane; Sara Kottke; Steve Leiferman; Richard Saggau; Kuentin Stearns; David & Jenna Thompson, and Ahna; and Amir Yosef. 

An updated church directory, containing contact information for members who have joined Mt. Olive within the past year, is now available from the church office. Also, if you have moved, or have made changes to your email or phone number, let the office know. Thank you for your help!

Connect Group Questions: Listed below are study questions based on the October 20 sermon:   John 4:46-54  “We are conquerors over evil, through Jesus!”

1) Why didn't Jesus bother to travel the 24 miles to Capernaum to go see the nobleman's son? Was it because he didn't care about the man and his son? How did Jesus miraculously heal the boy using his divine powers?

2) Why is it such a comforting thing to know that our God is not limited by time or distance, and that he can do all things?

3) In this particular instance, God chose to heal the nobleman's son. What are we to think when God doesn't choose to heal those whom we love? Does this mean that there is no hope ever for healing? Does this mean that God does not love us or our loved ones? How can Jesus' cross and the resurrection comfort us in this (Hint: did Jesus stay wounded and dead? How about those who believe in him: will they stay wounded and dead?)?

4) How does Jesus’ cross turn all evil into good, ultimately?

Footnotes Trauma Foundation is hosting “Diving Into Hope, Helping People Heal - A Fundraiser for Trauma Survivors” on Thursday, October 24, at Old Main Village in Mankato. Registration begins at 5:30pm, followed by a meal at 6pm. There will be live music by the Divers and stories of hope and healing from trauma survivors. See the poster on the community bulletin board in the Social Hall for additional information about the event. You can also learn more and purchase tickets ($50/person) at footnotesfoundation.org/diving-into-hope, or email us at contact@footnotesfoundation.org.

The last session of the Art After Dark series of lectures on art appreciation from a Christian perspective will be presented by Bethany Professor Emeritus and Artist Bill Bukowski on Thursday, October 24, at 8pm. See the poster on the church bulletin board in the narthex for more information.

Please note: the sanctuary will be unavailable on Friday, October 25, for the installation of the art work for the altarpiece.

Special Bible Class: Sunday, October 27, at 9:40am in the Social Hall. Prof. Peter Bloedel will be presenting information on a new play produced at Bethany Lutheran College entitled "What Child is This?" This original work is based on the Nativity and the rich theological meaning of the Christmas story. The presentation will serve as a primer for an upcoming Mt. Olive event to attend the play in November. Please come and join us for this insightful and thought-provoking presentation.

The Sanctify the Arts/Altarpiece Dedication Service will be Sunday, October 27, at 3pm. Join us as we dedicate the new altarpiece and give thanks to God for the talents of musicians and artists that enrich our worship life. Check the October Olive Press for more information.

The latest "On the Mount of Olives” Podcast is a conversation about Christian art, the “Art After Dark” lectures (featuring Professor Bill Bukowski), and the "Sanctify the Arts" Altarpiece Dedication on October 27.

Wanted in ASC: After School Care is looking for your kid-friendly, used magazines such as National Geographic, Ranger Rick, Sports Illustrated for Kids, Time Kids, etc. (not Highlights).

Please remember to drop off your HyVee receipts and pop can tabs in the church office. Thank you!

The ECHO Food Shelf needs volunteers to help--any day and any business hours. Please consider working a few hours a week to help us feed families in need. Call 507-345-7477 if you are interested or would like more information.

Volunteer basketball coaches are needed by Mt. Olive Lutheran School for our 5th Gr. Boys B, Girls B, and 7th Gr. Boys A squads. Practice times and days will be determined by when individuals are available. Please contact Mr. Zibrowski at mrz@mtolivelutheran.org if you are interested or have questions. Thank you.


Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School Updates:

Attend a play: “A Family Reunion to Die For, presented by the MVL Drama Department, at the State Street Theater in New Ulm on November 1 and 2 at 7pm and November 3 at 2pm.

 Tis the season! MVL students will again be selling wreaths, swags, and live garland to help bring the sights and scents of Christmas to your home or business! Look for friendly MVL students on Sunday mornings to help you place your order, or go to the MVL website and place your order online. Order deadline is Sunday, November 17; most orders will be delivered to Mt. Olive on Thanksgiving weekend. This year’s proceeds are designated to help furnish the new Fine Arts Center. Thank you for your support!

Happening at Bethany Lutheran College:

The Jazz Fall Concert performances will be on Sunday, October 20, at 3pm, and Monday, October 21, at 5pm on the Campus Green (in the event of inclement weather, the concerts will be held in the Ron Younge Gym).

An Art Exhibit by Marcus C. Thomas will be on display in the YFAC from October 21-November 8, with a reception on November 7.

Reformation Vespers Service: Bethany’s choirs will participate in this service on Thursday, October 31, at 4:30pm at Trinity Chapel. All are invited to attend!

The 56th Annual Bjarne Wollan Teigen Reformation Lectures will be held on October 31-November 1 at the YFAC, beginning at 10:30am each morning. This year’s theme is the 50th anniversary of Seminex. Speakers include LCMS President Matthew Harrison, Wisconsin Lutheran College (WELS) Professor Dr. Mark Braun, and ELS President Glenn Obenberger. Register online at blc.edu/reformation-lectures.

Attend a play: “What Child Is This?, presented by the Bethany Lutheran College Drama Department, on November 15, 16, 22 and 23 at 7:30pm and November 17, 23, and 24 at 5pm.

Mark your calendars for the 2024 “Christmas at Bethany” concert on December 5, 6, and 7 at 5pm and December 8 at 3pm. Advance registration is required. Admission is free; suggested donation: $20. A free-will offering will be collected at the concert. To reserve tickets, call 507-344-7365 or visit blc.edu/christmas-at-bethany .

Bethany Walking Program: Mankato WELS/ELS seniors (55+)--are you looking for a way to exercise during the long winter season? Bethany Lutheran College is offering a limited number of walking memberships on its 200-meter, cushioned indoor track in the Bethany Activity Center located on the corner of Marsh and Division Streets. Memberships are available November 1 to April 30. Walking hours are 9am to 2pm. Cost is $60 per person (parking included). Please email Nick.Neubauer@blc.edu or call 507-344-7870 to reserve your pass. Membership is limited to the first 100 individuals who reserve a spot.



Sunday: 8:30am, 418; 10:45am, 120; Monday: 48/37; Tuesday: 20/13 Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 22


Greeters:  1st Service—Joe & Connie Meyer, Seth & Bethany Ferkenstad 2nd Service—Dean & LuAnn Shoop  Offering Counters: Ron Younge, Jeff Younge Altar Guild: Elli Fisher, Joni Bode


Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $13,528.85 Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $101.53 Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1-October 17): $34,055.10 Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 9/30/2024: ($20,087.80)

Colossians 3:17  And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. 

To give your offering online, go to mtolivelutheran.org and click on the “Online Giving” tab.

Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement

The mission of Mount Olive Lutheran Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through God’s Word, so that souls are called into and kept in the Christian faith unto eternal life.


October 27, 2024


October 13, 2024