October 13, 2024
Flowers on the altar for Sunday, October 13, are given to God’s glory by Carl Bloedel.
People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our last church service): Claudia Eisberg; Elyse Parsons; John Sehloff; Marsha Natvig; Gideon Franson; Solomon Faugstad; Ben Faugstad; Owen Saidler; Duane Pansegrau; Christopher Pettman; Kathy Schuch; Lois Stankey; and Kirk, the son-in-law of Phyllis Kenning.
New Member Reception Sunday: October 13. New members will be formally accepted and welcomed at the 8:30am service. Between services, join us for a New Member Reception event in the Social Hall.
The Norseland/Peace/Youth (Ages 12+) Hayride is Sunday, October 13, from 3:30pm to sunset, at the Oren & Julie Olson farm (44727 380th St., Nicollet). There will be a hayride, bonfire, food, lawn games, and a devotion. Cost: $3/person (to cover food).
A new season of Connect Groups has begun. Our Connect Group hosts are Bill Bukowski, Mark & Vivian Smith, and Pastor David & Jenna Thompson. Sign-up sheets are on the narthex table.
Pastor Thompson’s group will discuss how the defense of the faith benefits both us and the unbeliever, how to answer challenging questions (that we or others have), and explore popular worldview teachings in culture. Note: feel free to invite your unbelieving or searching friend or relative who is looking for answers – this informal, friendly gathering can be an ideal setting to answer questions and provide evidence for the truth of Christianity “with gentleness and respect.” (1 Pet. 3:15)
Listed below are study questions based on the October 13 sermon: Matthew 13:44-50 “The Kingdom of Heaven: Our Most Valued Treasure”.
1) What are the most valuable, prized, treasured possessions that you have? Why are they so precious to you? What do these things do for you or provide to you? What makes it prioritized above other things?
2) Can you give examples of valuable and prized things that people often take for granted? Why is it easy for people to take certain valuable things for granted?
3) How valuable, prized, special, and precious is the Kingdom of Heaven for us? Why should it be so important to us? In the first two parables, how does the man and also the merchant show that what they have found is very important and special? How do they react to this find?
4) What is the point of the Parable of the Net? Why does Jesus give this parable? What comfort and assurance do we have that we are counted among the "good fish" (see John 3:16, Ephesians 2:8-10, Ephesians 1:3-6, 2 Corinthians 5:20-21, and others...)?
5) What do we remind ourselves of when we recognize that we've taken God's Love and His Kingdom for granted? In what ways is God like the man and the merchant in verses 44-46?
Art After Dark, a miniseries of lectures on art appreciation from a Christian perspective, will be presented by Bethany Professor Emeritus and Artist Bill Bukowski on Thursday, October 17, and Thursday, October 24, at 8pm. See the poster on the church bulletin board in the narthex for more information.
The Altar Guild’s Annual Meeting is Thursday, October 17, at 7pm in the Social Hall. We encourage anyone interested in joining the Altar Guild to attend.
The Annual Circuit 9 Mission Rally is Saturday, October 19, at Norseland Lutheran, near St. Peter.
Mt. Olive’s Annual Backyard Bonfire is Saturday, October 19, from 6-8pm. Enjoy hot chocolate, s’mores, hot dogs, and yard games. Beret Finken will provide live music. Bring your lawn chairs.
Upcoming Informational Meeting: All are welcome to join us on Sunday, October 20, at 9:40am in the church Social Hall for our fall congregation informational meeting. Get an update from our Boards and Committees about how things are going at Mt. Olive!
Footnotes Trauma Foundation is hosting “Diving Into Hope, Helping People Heal - A Fundraiser for Trauma Survivors” on Thursday, October 24, at Old Main Village in Mankato. Registration begins at 5:30pm, followed by a meal at 6pm. There will be live music by the Divers and stories of hope and healing from trauma survivors. See the poster on the community bulletin board in the Social Hall for additional information about the event. You can also learn more and purchase tickets ($50/person) at footnotesfoundation.org/diving-into-hope, or email us at contact@footnotesfoundation.org.
The Sanctify the Arts--Altarpiece Dedication Service will be Sunday, October 27, at 3pm. Join us as we dedicate the new altarpiece and give thanks to God for the talents of musicians and artists that enrich our worship life. Check the October Olive Press for more information.
Wanted in ASC: After School Care is looking for your kid-friendly, used magazines such as National Geographic, Ranger Rick, Sports Illustrated for Kids, Time Kids, etc. (not Highlight
The next "On the Mount of Olives Podcast" will be a conversation about Christian art, featuring Professor William Bukowski. We will also be talking about the upcoming "Art After Dark" studies at Mt. Olive and our "Sanctify the Arts" Altarpiece Dedication at the end of October. This episode will drop on Friday, October 18.
Please remember to drop off your HyVee receipts and pop can tabs in the church office. Thank you!
Attend a play: “A Family Reunion to Die For”, presented by the Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School Drama Department, at the State Street Theater in New Ulm on November 1 and 2 at 7pm and November 3 at 2pm.
Happening at Bethany Lutheran College:
The Jazz Fall Concert performances will be on Sunday, October 20, at 3pm, and Monday, October 21, at 5pm on the Campus Green (in the event of inclement weather, the concerts will be held in the Ron Younge Gym).
An Art Exhibit by Marcus C. Thomas will be on display in the YFAC from October 21-November 8.
Reformation Vespers Service: Bethany’s choirs will participate in this service on Thursday, October 31, at 4:30pm at Trinity Chapel. All are invited to attend!
The 56th Annual Bjarne Wollan Teigen Reformation Lectures will be held on October 31-November 1 at the YFAC, beginning at 10:30am each morning. This year’s theme is the 50th anniversary of Seminex. Speakers include LCMS President Matthew Harrison, Wisconsin Lutheran College (WELS) Professor Dr. Mark Braun, and ELS President Glenn Obenberger. Register online at blc.edu/reformation-lectures.
Bethany Walking Program: Mankato WELS/ELS seniors (55+)--are you looking for a way to exercise during the long winter season? Bethany Lutheran College is offering a limited number of walking memberships on its 200-meter, cushioned indoor track in the Bethany Activity Center located on the corner of Marsh and Division Streets. Memberships are available November 1 to April 30. Walking hours are 9am to 2pm. Cost is $60 per person (parking included). Please email Nick.Neubauer@blc.edu or call 507-344-7870 to reserve your pass. Membership is limited to the first 100 individuals who reserve a spot.
Sunday: 8:30am, 235/163; 10:45am, 129/110; Monday: 39/33; Tuesday: 27/18 Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 17
Greeters: 1st Service—Joe & Connie Meyer, Seth & Bethany Ferkenstad 2nd Service—Dean & LuAnn Shoop Offering Counters: Ron Younge, Jeff Younge Altar Guild: Elli Fisher, Joni Bode
Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $14,301,93 Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $706.88 Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1-October 10): $32,840.74 Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 9/30/2024: ($20,087.80)
Colossians 3:17 And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.
To give your offering online, go to mtolivelutheran.org and click on the “Online Giving” tab.
Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement