October 27, 2024

Baptized on Sunday, October 27 (2nd Service):  Troy Tumbleson. Troy completed the adult membership instruction at Our Savior’s Lutheran in Kasson, MN with Pastor Karl Christie. Troy recently moved to the Mankato area and will be officially accepted as a new member at Mt. Olive at the next Board of Deacons meeting.

Flowers on the altar for Sunday, October 27, are given to God’s glory by Will & Lisa Holt.

Special Bible Class: Sunday, October 27, at 9:40am in the Social Hall. Prof. Peter Bloedel will be presenting information on a new play produced at Bethany Lutheran College entitled "What Child is This?" This original work is based on the Nativity and the rich theological meaning of the Christmas story. The presentation will serve as a primer for an upcoming Mt. Olive event to attend the play in November. Please come and join us for this insightful and thought-provoking presentation.

The Sanctify the Arts/Altarpiece Dedication Service is Sunday, October 27, at 3pm. The new artwork was installed this past week. Join us as we dedicate the new altarpiece and give thanks to God for the talents of musicians and artists that enrich our worship life.

People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our last church service): Claudia Eisberg; Rachel & Elise Parsons; Hal & Marsha Natvig; Solomon Faugstad; Ben Faugstad; Owen Saidler; Duane & Cynthia Pansegrau; Christopher Pettman; Kathy Schuch; Lois Stankey; Gideon Franson; John Sehloff; Lois Stankey; and Jeanette Koberg.

Connect Group Questions: Listed below are study questions based on the October 27 sermon:   Psalm 46  “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”

1) God is “a very present help in trouble”(verse 1). What sort of troubles did Martin Luther experience as he worked to reform the Church?

2) What sort of trouble do we share with Luther today?

3) How did God protect Luther following his bold response to the questioning he faced at Worms in Germany?

4) What does God use to protect His people of all generations (verse 6b)?

5) With the words of verses 4 and 5, God speaks a beautiful promise which is meant to comfort believers throughout their lives. What is that promise?

New copiers were installed in the church office and the teacher workroom this past Wednesday, October 23. As a result, the November issue of the Olive Press will be available on the church’s website and emailed to church members on Friday, November 1. Paper copies will be available on Sunday, November 3. Thank you for your patience as we learn how to use the new copiers.

Volunteers Needed: Mt. Olive provides volunteers at New 2 You on the first Saturday of each month to run the cash register and check out customers. A sign-up sheet for Saturday, November 2, is available on the narthex table. Sign up or call New 2 You at 507-385-1455 if you can help.

New 2 You’s Board of Directors will be disbursing $22,500.00 to Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School and $1,250.00 to each of the six association churches, including Mt. Olive, based on profits from the quarter ending September 30, 2024. 

Reformation Seminar: Saturday, November 2, 4-7:30pm. The Norseland and Norwegian Grove congregations are hosting Rev. Prof. Jason Oakland, from Wisconsin Lutheran College, for an evening seminar on the life and work of Luther's pastor, Johannes Bugenhagen. The evening will include a meal. For planning and preparation purposes, please register ahead of time. The link  THIS FACEBOOK EVENT  has all the details and a link to a Google Forms registration. Alternatively, a poster with more information and a QR code for registration is posted on the narthex bulletin board.

Call MeetingMount Olive will be holding a call meeting for the Kindergarten teacher position on Sunday, November 3, at 12:00pm. If you have any questions, please speak with Mr. Springer or Don Lehne.

The ECHO Food Shelf needs volunteers to help--any day and any business hours. Please consider working a few hours a week to help us feed families in need. Call 507-345-7477 if you are interested or would like more information.

Kiwanis Holiday Lights: Mt. Olive is again providing volunteers for the Kiwanis Lights in Sibley Park. Help with set-up on Saturday, November 16, from 9am to 12pm. Volunteer under the lights on Tuesday, December 17. Help with tear-down on Saturday, January 4. More information and a sign-up sheet are available in the Narthex. Please reach out to Matthew Holt at 507-340-8014 with questions. 

Brass instrument players: Hannah Zibrowski is gathering a list of people willing to play for church services. If you are interested or need more information, contact her at hzibrowski@gmail.com or 507-720-2095 and indicate the instrument you play.

An updated church directory is now available from the church office. Also, if you have recently moved or made changes to your email or phone number, let the office know. Thank you for your help!

Volunteer coaches are needed by Mt. Olive Lutheran School for:

1. Girls B and 7th Gr. Boys Basketball. Practice times and days will be determined by when individuals are available.

2. Head Cheerleading. Last year, they met on Mondays and Wednesdays for practice; the other day was negotiable.

For more information regarding either of these positions, please contact Mr. Zibrowski at mrz@mtolivelutheran.org.

Thank you, Mt. Olive Members, for your donations of trial-sized personal care items for the homeless last spring. Books made by our After School Child care students and the extra personal care items you donated were recently delivered by a mission trip group to orphanages and a church in Mexico. See the photos and the thank-you note in the hallway between the kitchen and the teacher workroom.

Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School Updates:

Attend a play: “A Family Reunion to Die For, presented by the MVL Drama Department, at the State Street Theater in New Ulm on November 1 and 2 at 7pm and November 3 at 2pm.

 Tis the season! MVL students will again be selling wreaths, swags, and live garland to help bring the sights and scents of Christmas to your home or business! Look for friendly MVL students on Sunday mornings to help you place your order, or go to the MVL website and place your order online. Order deadline is Sunday, November 17; most orders will be delivered to Mt. Olive on Thanksgiving weekend. This year’s proceeds are designated to help furnish the new Fine Arts Center. Thank you for your support!

Spirit of MVL Gala Event: Saturday, November 23, at the Venue in Mankato, beginning at 5PM. Cost: $100/ticket; $800/table. RSVP with meal choice by November 8 at mvl.org, by emailing Sarah Allee at sallee@mvlhs.org, or by phone at 507-354-6851. Check the bulletin board in the narthex for more information.

Happening at Bethany Lutheran College:

An Art Exhibit by Marcus C. Thomas will be on display in the YFAC from October 21-November 8, with a reception on November 7.

Reformation Vespers Service: Bethany’s choirs will participate in this service on Thursday, October 31, at 4:30pm at Trinity Chapel. All are invited to attend!

The 56th Annual Bjarne Wollan Teigen Reformation Lectures will be held on October 31-November 1 at Trinity Chapel (note change in location), beginning at 10:30am each morning. This year’s theme is the 50th anniversary of Seminex. Speakers include LCMS President Matthew Harrison, Wisconsin Lutheran College (WELS) Professor Dr. Mark Braun, and ELS President Glenn Obenberger. Register online at blc.edu/reformation-lectures.

Attend a play: “What Child Is This?, presented by the Bethany Lutheran College Drama Department, on November 15, 16, 22 and 23 at 7:30pm and November 17, 23, and 24 at 5pm in the YFAC. The box office for this event opened October 25.

Mark your calendars for the 2024 “Christmas at Bethany” concert on December 5, 6, and 7 at 5pm and December 8 at 3pm in Trinity Chapel. Advance registration is required. Admission is free; suggested donation: $20. A free-will offering will be collected at the concert. To reserve tickets, call 507-344-7365 or visit blc.edu/christmas-at-bethany The box office for this event opens October 30.

Bethany Walking Program: Mankato WELS/ELS seniors (55+)--are you looking for a way to exercise during the long winter season? Bethany Lutheran College is offering a limited number of walking memberships on its 200-meter, cushioned indoor track in the Bethany Activity Center located on the corner of Marsh and Division Streets. Memberships are available November 1 to April 30. Walking hours are 9am to 2pm. Cost is $60 per person (parking included). Please email Nick.Neubauer@blc.edu or call 507-344-7870 to reserve your pass. Membership is limited to the first 100 individuals who reserve a spot.



Sunday: 8:30am, 235/182; 10:45am, 171/124; Monday: 37/30; Tuesday: 18/14 Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 22


Greeters:  1st Service—Joe & Connie Meyer, Seth & Bethany Ferkenstad 2nd Service—Dean & LuAnn Shoop  Offering Counters: Ron Younge, Jeff Younge Altar Guild: Elli Fisher, Joni Bode


Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $13,399.18 Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $1,112.00 Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1-October 24): $35,518.48 Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 9/30/2024: ($20,087.80)

Colossians 3:17  And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. 

To give your offering online, go to mtolivelutheran.org and click on the “Online Giving” tab.

Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement

The mission of Mount Olive Lutheran Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through God’s Word, so that souls are called into and kept in the Christian faith unto eternal life.


November 3, 2024


October 20, 2024