June 23, 2024
Flowers on the altar for Sunday, June 23, are given to God’s glory by Jacie Lieske in memory of Wilbur Lieske.
Organ Recitals: The Sioux Trails Chapter of the American Guild of Organists presents its annual Summer Noontime Organ Recitals at 12:10pm on Tuesdays in Mankato. June 25th Mark DeGarmeaux will be performing at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 222 Pfau St., Mankato. Each recital is free. Visit agosiouxtrails.org for more information.
Hy-Vee Receipts: please turn them into the office by Friday, June 28. Thank you! Based on the receipts collected over the past school year, Mt. Olive will be receiving a check for over $400.
The Mt. Olive Talent Show: “Mount Olive members: we’d love to get to know you better! Do you have a talent or skill that would help us get to know you? On Sunday, June 30, at 2pm, Mt. Olive is hosting an all-church talent show at the Sigurd Lee Theatre in the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center at Bethany Lutheran College. If you sing, act, do stunts, yodel while jumping rope…or whatever, then we’d love to see you do it. There is no age limit, and this is not a competition. IT’S FOR EVERYBODY! It’s just a fun way for us to get together as a church and display our various interests. The acts will not be screened, but please remember that this is a church function and each act should be family-appropriate; please keep your act to 10 minutes or less. There is an ice cream social after the talent show. More information and a sign-up sheet are available on the narthex table. Contact Peter Bloedel at heypete@blc.edu with questions.” --Mt. Olive Evangelism Committee
Families of Camp Indianhead Registered Attendees: pre-registration for the bus to Camp Indianhead is now available at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0B4AADA722A1FB6-camp. Complete the information for each camper in your family by July 1. Cost per camper: $60 (June 9-June 20); $70 (June 21-July 1). Payment will be collected on July 7 prior to departing for the camp.
Mt. Olive’s Vacation Bible School is July 1-3. Join us for an awesome VBS that is all about Baptism! Our theme this year is: "Baptism Saves You!" (1 Peter 3:21). Questions? Contact Pastor Soule (763)-482-1488.
Golfers: Mark your calendar for the annual Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School Golf Classic on Monday, July 8, at the New Ulm Country Club. Golfer sign-in will begin at 10am, with a shotgun start at 11am. This event supports the tuition assistance program at MVL. The $125 golf fee includes 18 holes, a shared cart, and dinner. Lunch will be available for purchase at the grill. Register now at mvl.org.
Mt. Olive will participate in the North Mankato Fun Days Parade. This year, the parade is Saturday, July 13, beginning at 11am. Mt. Olive youth participating in the parade will receive FREE ride tickets to Family Fun Shows.
Mark your calendars for the annual Church Picnic on Saturday, July 27, at Duck Lake Park. More information will be coming soon.
Could you use an extra Bible (various translations)? Used Bibles are available first-come, first-served on the table in the narthex.
Traveling this summer? As you travel for vacation or work, it is good to spend time hearing and learning God’s Word. Sometimes, distance, time or other factors make it difficult to attend a Divine Service at a Lutheran church of our fellowship. Last year, the ELS’s Worship Committee assembled a “Summer Worship for Travelers” booklet designed for worship in any setting. Copies are available on the narthex table.
Jesus’ Lambs at Peace Preschool invites you to visit and/or enroll your 3, 4, or 5 year old in our Christ-centered preschool. Our preschool revolves around our Bible time, with a hands-on experience of God’s wonderful world. With letter and number knowledge, science, geography, animals, people, games and fun, we prepare your child for kindergarten. Please call or text Joslyn Moldstad at 507-594-8929 for more information. We especially have openings in our M/W/F afternoon session (12:30-3pm), with childcare from 3-4pm if needed.
Bethany Fund: Bethany Lutheran College is wrapping up its fiscal year on June 30, 2024. The College is striving to meet a fundraising goal of $750,000 for the Bethany Fund and is still seeking about $72,000 in gifts to meet the goal. Many ELS pastors, congregations and individual members make regular financial contributions to our College. Visit blc.edu/bethanyfund or call the Advancement Office at 507-344-7000 to learn more about how you can support our ELS college. Thank you for your support!
Job Openings: BLC is taking applications for the following positions: Assistant to Registrar; Visual Communication and Social Media Specialist; Director of Residential Life; Head Coach—Softball; Assistant Coach—Track & Field/Cross Country; Assistant/Associate Professor-Communication; and Fine Arts Event Coordinator. Go to blc.edu/campus-life/campus-services/human-resources/bethany-jobs/ for more details.
Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School is looking for an individual to serve MVL as a full-time maintenance employee. The individual should be a member of a WELS or ELS church and can be male or female. Interested individuals should contact MVL Facility Manager Ken Opitz at kopitz@mvlhs.org or MVL Principal Tim Plath at tplath@mvlhs.org.
Sunday: 8:30am, 289/156; 10am, 201/139; Monday: 35/26
Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 19
Greeters: Bill & Suzanne Bohning
Offering Counters: John Schauer, Jim Gullixson
Altar Guild: Elyse Haugen
Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $13,549.07
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $491.38
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total as of May 30: $257,582.99
Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 5/31/2024: ($101,908.14)
Colossians 3:17 (EHV) And everything you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Did you know you can give your offering online? Just go to www.mtolivelutheran.org and click on the link “donate online.”
Mt. Olive Worship Services on TV: Mt. Olive services are available on local cable channels 7 & 507 (Consolidated Communications) and 181 (Charter) on Wednesdays at 10am and Thursdays at 11:30am.