February 2, 2025
Flowers on the altar for Sunday, February 2, are given to God’s glory by the Darren & Jody Tenold family in honor of Simon’s 7th birthday on January 30.
People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our recent church services): Owen Saidler, Solomon Faugstad, Katie Tweit, Darci Matzke, Lorena Merseth, Mercedes Hansen, Ruth Faye, Mia Faugstad, and Mike Barlow. We also prayed for the Haugen family as they mourn the death of Elyse’s sister Adele Walker and for the people of California as they recover from the wildfires.
Join us for the conclusion of our 4-part Bible study, The Maker of Heaven & Earth--His Attributes Are Clearly Seen, led by BLC Professor Rev. Dr. Doyle Holbird on Sunday, February 2, in Mt. Olive’s social hall at 9:45am.
Baptized Sunday, February 2: Martin Oliver Finken, infant son of Joseph & Beret Finken. Sponsors are Michael & Moriah Harting.
Assist a Grieving Family: Our brother in Christ, Chuol Buol, and his family are grieving the death of Chuol's son, Dak, who died of complications from pneumonia on January 10 in Sioux City, IA. Dak's family is struggling to raise funds to pay off the expenses of the funeral. If you care to assist Chuol and his family in this time of grief, you are invited to go to https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-us-lay-dak-ngut-to-rest to give a donation that will go towards the cost of funeral and burial services. Thank you.
Marissa Wood Capstone Project: With mental health topics on the rise, have you ever wondered how and if they are compatible with Lutheranism? As a graduate student at Bethany Lutheran College’s counseling program, I am on a mission to find out. This semester, I am working on a project to learn how individual wellbeing is perceived in ELS churches, and I need your help! I am hoping to survey your congregation to better understand how wellbeing is perceived and practiced in ELS circles. All information will be collected anonymously and will be used to inform my project. This 15-minute survey will allow you to learn more about yourself while also helping your church learn more about its members! More information can be found here in the survey .
For more updates and all other new announcements, pick up your copy of the February edition of the Olive Press from the narthex table. The Olive Press is also available on the Mt. Olive website: mtolivelutheran.org/publications. For Mt. Olive members who receive the Weekly Announcements via email, note that the February 2025 Olive Press is attached to the February 2 Weekly Announcements.
Sunday: 8:30am, 200; 10:45am, 194; Monday: 30/24; Tuesday: 15/11 Live Online Viewing, Sunday (8:30am): 20
Greeters: 1st Service— Neil & Barb Kaus, Dan & Jane Birkholz 2nd Service— Will & Lisa Holt, Dean & LuAnn Shoop Offering Counters: Andy Overn, Chris Kind Altar Guild: Jane Zibrowski, Elli Fisher
Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $13,042.13
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $8,461.35
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1, 2024-January 30, 2025): $120,728.76
Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit)as of 12/31/2024: $55,174.77 [corrected amount]
Psalm 116:12-13 What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? I will take up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.
To give your offering online, go to mtolivelutheran.org and click on the “Online Giving” tab.
Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement