January 26, 2025
Flowers on the altar for Sunday, January 26, are given to God’s glory by the Aaberg family in loving memory of their father, Rev. Theodore A. Aaberg, born 100 years ago on January 29, 1925.
People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our recent church services): Easton Royce (grandson of Jack & Elaine Krech), Owen Saidler, Katie Tweit, Darci Matzke, Lorena Merseth, Mercedes Hansen, Ruth Faye, Mia Faugstad, and Solomon Faugstad. We also prayed for the family of Claudia Eisberg, Chuol Buol and his family as they mourn the loss of Chuol’s son Dak, the Haugen family as they mourn the death of Elyse’s sister Adele Walker, and for the people of California as they recover from the wildfires. In addition, we prayed that God would be with and guide Miss Jamie Chambers whom we have called to serve as a kindergarten teacher in our school.
Join us for our Bible Study: The Maker of Heaven & Earth--His Attributes Are Clearly Seen, led by BLC Professor Rev. Dr. Doyle Holbird on Sunday mornings (January 26 and February 2) in Mount Olive’s social hall at 9:45am. We are evaluating the scientific evidence for creation and studying the differences between the theory of evolution and what the Bible teaches.
SEMI-ANNUAL VOTER'S MEETING Sunday, January 26, 12pm, Mt. Olive Social Hall Proposed Constitutional Amendment
Mt. Olive's Board of Deacons is proposing an amendment to the Mt. Olive Constitution. It has been recognized that there are areas of our ministry that would benefit from greater oversight and assistance (i.e., for in-reach, elder care, and other areas). To help our pastors in these areas, it has been suggested that we add an additional seat to the Board of Deacons to work in and oversee such areas of ministry.
This proposed amendment has been initiated at Mt. Olive’s Church Council Meeting on January 13th and is now being “contained in writing in the notice of meeting at which they are to be acted on” (as required by Church Constitution for any amendments to the Constitution). At the Voter’s Meeting, “a two-thirds majority ballot vote” is required for the amendment to pass (also as per the Church Constitution).
Listed below is the proposed amendment for our Voting Members to consider:
a. The Board of Deacons shall consist of six (6) seven (7) members, with two (2) members elected annually to (3) three year terms. serving terms of three (3) years, with annual elections held for the seats of those deacons whose terms are ending. Deacons may also be elected for the remainder of an existing term, at any Corporation Meeting, only in the instance of a seat vacancy.
Get ready for a new season of “On the Mount of Olives” that airs beginning February 1. We’ve changed the format to bring you more in-depth episodes. In the meantime, catch up on our previous episodes (1-12) if you haven’t listened to them yet.
Volunteers Needed! Mt. Olive provides volunteers at New 2 You on the first Saturday of each month to run the cash register and check out customers. Our next scheduled date is Saturday, February 1. The sign-up sheet is on the narthex table. Sign up or call New 2 You at 507-385-1455 if you can help. Your time and support are much appreciated!
Camp Indianhead 2025: The first week of camp is High School Week from July 6-11 at Lutheran Island Camp in Henning, MN, for students entering high school. The second week is Classic Camp from July 13-18 at Camp Omega in Waterville, MN, for students entering 5th-8th grades. Registration for both camps opens on Monday, February 3, at 8am and closes on Friday, February 7, at 5pm. All registrations need to be done through our new camp website, campindianhead.com/.
The annual MLC Volleyball Tournament is March 8 for men and March 22 for women. We currently have a men’s and a women’s team signed up; however, if anyone would like to put another team together, the deadline to sign up is February 3. Cost is $60 per team. Please contact MNstroms@gmail.com with any questions.
The Spring Session of the MOM’s Bible Study begins on Thursday, February 6, at 8:30am, at Peace Lutheran. The study is using “In God’s Orchard: Cultivating the Fruit of Spirit-Filled Life,” available at the BLC bookstore. Contact Heidi Graham at heidijennifergraham@gmail.com if you have questions.
Saturday & Sunday, February 8 & 9: Mt. Olive is hosting a special two-day workshop entitled “Everyone Outreach,” an interactive and fun program that helps us grow a warm and welcoming culture to reach out to friends and neighbors (we will make sure everyone is home in time to watch the Super Bowl on February 9). To help with planning, pre-registration is required. Please register at Everyone Outreach Event or complete the sign-up sheet on the narthex table. Lunch and childcare are available on Saturday.
Mt. Olive Family Ski Night: Thursday, February 13, from 4-9pm at Mt. Kato. All ages are welcome to attend. Everyone must sign a liability waiver (parents must sign for minors). Sign-up sheets and waiver forms are available in the church office. Costs: $12 lift tickets; $12 ski/snowboard rentals (if needed); $4 helmet rentals (optional); and $4 beginner lessons. Pre-registration is required: sign-up, waivers, and payment must be turned in to the church office by Sunday, February 9.
Bethany Lutheran College Auxiliary Meeting: Professor Ben Lundsten will be speaking about storytelling and the BLC media arts program. Please come on Monday, February 10, at 7 pm. We will meet in Honsey Hall in Room 311.
Red Cross Blood Drive in the Mt. Olive Gym: Friday, February 14, from 12-5pm. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit redcrossblood.org and enter MTOLIVEKATO. Check the poster on the church narthex bulletin board for more information.
Mount Olive CDS 2025-2026 Enrollment is Open! Priority enrollment is now open to members of Mount Olive and Peace. Your early enrollment helps with our planning for next year. You can find the online application at mtolivelutheranschool.org/admissions. Please note that there will be an enrollment deposit which is applied towards your family's tuition. If you have any questions or any difficulty with the online application, please contact the Mount Olive school office at 507-345-4966 or email school@mtolivelutheran.org.
MVL 2024 Annual Report: Copies of the 2024 Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School Annual Report are available on the narthex table.
Treasure Haus Annual Meeting: The Treasure Haus Board of Directors has announced that their 2025 Annual Meeting is Sunday, March 16, at 2pm at MVL. Members of the MVL Congregational Association and their numerous volunteers are welcome to attend. Register in advance by signing up at the Treasure Haus in person; or by emailing manager@treasurehaus.org; or by calling the Treasure Haus at 507-354-6108. All reservations must be received by February 15.
Happening at Bethany Lutheran College:
Bethany’s Winter Musical: Performances of The Pirates of Penzance are January 31 and February 1, 2, 7, and 8. To purchase tickets, visit blc.edu/boxoffice online or stop by the box office desk in the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center between 1-4pm, Monday-Friday.
Photography Exhibit: Humans Don't Exist, by composer, sound and light designer, photographer, director, and adjunct professor Benji Inniger will be on display in the YFAC Gallery from February 3-21. The Gallery Reception for this exhibit is Thursday, February 6, at 7pm in the YFAC. During his lecture, Inniger will also discuss and share his 2023 wildlife documentary, "Bold North". This short film accentuates the beauty, drama, and magnificence of the Minnesota landscape and her wild inhabitants.
Sunday: 8:30am, 190/145; 10:45am, 210/160; Monday: 13/11; Tuesday: 9/9 Live Online Viewing, Sunday (8:30am): 33
Greeters: 1st Service—Steve & Lois Jaeger, Joe & Connie Meyer 2nd Service—Rachel Ulrich & Family, Bill & Sherri Bukowski Offering Counters: Steve Lussky, Jon Pfeffer Altar Guild: Joni Bode, Connie Meyer, Vivian Smith
Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $16,272.27
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $1,490.66
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1, 2024-January 16, 2025): $112,467.41
Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit)as of 12/31/2024: $55,174.77 (corrected amount)
Psalm 116:12-13 What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me? I will take up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.
To give your offering online, go to mtolivelutheran.org and click on the “Online Giving” tab.
Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement