December 1, 2024

Flowers on the altar for Sunday, December 1, are given to God’s glory by Ellen Raether in honor of Tim Pietsch’s birthday.

People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our last church service): Christina Harman; Katie Tweit; Darci Matzke; Kathy Vaughn; Jody Lieske; Jaron Holzhueter; Claudia Eisberg; Owen Saidler; Pete Schuch and his mother, Kathy; Lorena Merseth; Bob Heidenreich; Mercedes Hansen; Mark DeGarmeaux; Kirk Finch; and Christopher Pettman.

Two Winter Outdoor Planter Sponsorships are still available. A sign-up sheet and envelopes are available on the narthex table. Pick up an envelope as you sign up, insert a check written to Mt. Olive for $125, and place it in the church office Flower Box. Thank you!

Our Midweek Advent Services will begin on Wednesday, December 4, with a chili/soup supper at 5pm served by the Bethany Auxiliary, and a worship service at 6:30pm.

Volunteers Needed! Mt. Olive provides volunteers at New 2 You on the first Saturday of each month to run the cash register and check out customers. Our next scheduled date is Saturday, December 7. The sign-up sheet is on the narthex table. Sign up or call New 2 You at 507-385-1455 if you can help. Your time and support are greatly appreciated!

For more updates and all other new announcements, pick up your copy of the December edition of the Olive Press from the narthex table. The Olive Press is also available on the Mt. Olive website: For Mt. Olive members who receive the Weekly Announcements via email, note that the December Olive Press is attached to the December 1 Weekly Announcements.



Sunday: 8:30am, 261; 10:45am, 221; Monday: 33/29; Tuesday: 17/15; Thanksgiving Eve: 246; Thanksgiving Day: 97 Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 23


Greeters:  1st Service—Art & Terri Westphal, Mark & Vivian Smith 2nd Service—Emily Christensen  Offering Counters: John Baumann, Jana Finken Altar Guild: Sharon Madson, Heidi Graham


Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $12,559.79

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $3,202.50

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1-November 28): $43,545.93

Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 10/31/2024: ($12,569.48)

Romans 8:31-32 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be

 against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all,

how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

To give your offering online, go to and click on the “Online Giving” tab.

Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement

The mission of Mount Olive Lutheran Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through God’s Word, so that souls are called into and kept in the Christian faith unto eternal life.


December 8, 2024


November 24, 2024