November 24, 2024
Flowers on the altar for Sunday, November 24, are given to God’s glory by Hal & Marsha Natvig in honor of their 20th wedding anniversary.
Baptized on Sunday, November 24, after 2nd service: Gordon Charles Geibe, infant son of Phillip Geibe and Jane Mueller. Sponsors are Cassandra Mueller and Joseph Mueller.
People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our last church service): Christina Harman; Katie Tweit; Darci Matzke; Kathy Vaughn; Jody Lieske; Jaron Holzhueter; Claudia Eisberg; Owen Saidler; Pete Schuch and his mother, Kathy; Lorena Merseth; Bob Heidenreich; Mark DeGarmeaux; Kirk Finch; and Christopher Pettman.
Adult Bible Class: Sunday, November 24, at 9:40am in the Social Hall. Bethany Lutheran College Chaplain Don Moldstad will be leading the 2nd part of a Bible Study entitled “Navigating Rough Waters: Helping Young Christian Adults Face Challenges and Temptations in Our World.”
Mt. Olive’s ECHO Food Shelf Drive continues through Sunday, November 24. Check the posters and display in the narthex for a list of suggested donations. Boxes are available outside each classroom door and in the narthex for your donations.
Sponsor a Winter Outdoor Planter! For the upcoming holiday season, the Traverse de Sioux Garden Center will again be filling our outdoor planters with a variety of outdoor greens, including spruce tips, birch, Norway pine, dogwoods, and pine cones. Individuals, families, or groups at Mt. Olive can “sponsor” a winter planter. Seven planters are available to sponsor at $125/each; a sign-up sheet and envelopes are available on the narthex table. Pick up an envelope as you sign up, insert a check written to Mt. Olive for $125, and place it in the church office Flower Box by November 24. Thank you!
Thank you! Numerous Mt. Olive members signed up to bring food for the Thanksgiving dinner at The REACH. Please remember to bring your donations to the church kitchen by Monday, November 25, and place them on the counter or in the stainless steel refrigerator, clearly marked “For The REACH.” Please use disposable containers.
Wednesday Morning Adult Bible Study Attendees: please note that there will be Bible Study this Wednesday, November 27.
Join us for our Thanksgiving Services on Wednesday, November 27, at 6:30pm, followed by a pie social. Worship is also available on Thursday, November 28, at 10am.
Red Cross Blood Drive in the Mt. Olive Gym: Friday, November 29, 10am-3pm. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter MTOLIVEKATO. Check the poster on the church narthex bulletin board for more information.
Altar Guild Christmas Tree Decorating: Saturday, November 30, beginning at 9am in the sanctuary.
Our Midweek Advent Services will begin on Wednesday, December 4, with a chili/soup supper at 5:15 pm served by the Bethany Auxiliary, and a worship service at 6:30pm.
Volunteers Needed! Mt. Olive provides volunteers at New 2 You on the first Saturday of each month to run the cash register and check out customers. Our next scheduled date is Saturday, December 7. The sign-up sheet is on the narthex table. Sign up or call New 2 You at 507-385-1455 if you can help. Your time and support are greatly appreciated!
ELS Ottesen Museum’s annual open house is Tuesday, December 10, from 2:30-5:30pm, at 4 Browns Court in Mankato. See the poster on the narthex bulletin board for more information.
Kiwanis Holiday Lights: Mt. Olive is again providing volunteers for the Kiwanis Lights in Sibley Park. Volunteer under the lights on Tuesday, December 17, either from 4:25-7pm or 6:50-9pm. Help with tear-down on Saturday, January 4. More information and a sign-up sheet are available in the Narthex. Please reach out to Matthew Holt at 507-340-8014 with questions.
The Year of Jubilee “Match Challenge” Is Back! Great news! An anonymous member has pledged up to $30,000 for the Year of Jubilee debt reduction drive. All donations received between November 24 and December 31 for the YOJ campaign will be matched, dollar for dollar, up to $30k! Donations can be made through the offering plate or online at This is a fantastic opportunity to reduce our debt by $60,000 or more by the end of 2024 and would put us closer to reaching our goal of $250k for the 2024-2025 fiscal year. Please be sure to earmark your donations as “Year of Jubilee” so they can be counted for the match."
Mt. Olive Lutheran School is seeking an individual(s) to serve as an athletic director(s), either individually or as part of a team. The current athletic director, Mr. Zibrowski, is stepping down from the AD position after the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested, contact Principal Springer.
Volunteer Coach Needed: Mt. Olive Lutheran School is looking for a 6th grade boys basketball coach. Practices are currently scheduled for Mondays and Fridays, from 4:30-6pm; however, the practice times could be adjusted if needed. Contact Mr. Zibrowski at if you can help.
Attention Mt. Olive Crafters: The Andreas Cancer Center at Mayo Clinic Hospital-Mankato could use more chemo hats. Please bring your creations to the church office. Thank you!
After School Child Care is collecting fleece donations, as they will be making fleece blankets for individuals at The REACH. Drop off your donations in the church office.
Please continue to collect pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. Our substitute teacher, Emily Holzheuter, and her husband Galen are currently staying at a Ronald McDonald house as their son, Jaron, grows stronger. Jaron was born prematurely and is currently in the NICU at Mayo-Rochester. Check their CaringBridge site for updates on Jaron’s condition, or to donate or offer encouraging words to them at this time:
Happening at Bethany Lutheran College:
Attend a play: “What Child Is This?,” presented by the Bethany Lutheran College Drama Department, on November 15, 16, 22 and 23 at 7:30pm and November 17, 23, and 24 at 2pm in the YFAC. Reserved seating is $18. To reserve tickets, visit the Bethany box office online at or in person in the YFAC on campus between 1-4pm weekdays. You can also call the box office at 507-344-7374.
The Senior Capstone Art Exhibit, featuring the works of Darci Stockman, Hannah Rethemeyer, Elizabeth Strackbein, and Emmeline Metz, is on display in the YFAC through November 25.
Performances of the 2024 “Christmas at Bethany” concert are December 5, 6, and 7 at 5pm and December 8 at 3pm at Trinity Chapel. Advance registration is required. Admission is free; suggested donation: $20. A free-will offering will be collected at the concert. To reserve tickets, visit the Bethany box office online at or in person in the YFAC on campus between 1-4pm weekdays. You can also call the box office at 507-344-7374.
BLC has the following job openings: Director of Administrative Computing and Institutional Reporting, Coordinator of Visits and Admissions Media, Data & Messaging Coordinator - Admissions, Adjunct Faculty – Nursing, Assistant/Associate Professor – Communication, and Head Coach – Cross Country and Track & Field. Go to for more information.
Sunday: 8:30am, 298/224; 10:45am, 170/137; Monday: 27/21; Tuesday: 18/15 Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 36
Greeters: 1st Service—Mark & Michelle Graham, Jerris & Kara Barents 2nd Service—Keith Anderson, Joyce Petersen Offering Counters: Joe Meyer, Seth Ferkenstad Altar Guild: Carol Petersen, Sherri Bukowski
Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $20,423.09
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $1,762.76
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1-November 21): $40,343.88
Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 10/31/2024: ($12,569.48)
Romans 8:31-32 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be
against us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all,
how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?
To give your offering online, go to and click on the “Online Giving” tab.
Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement