September 22, 2024
Baptized this past Monday, September 16: Juno Elaine Donovan, daughter of Andrew Donovan and Mikinzie Blanck. Sponsors are Emily Tettam, Matthew Gustafson, and Cassidy Blanck. May she ever be blessed by this Sacrament.
Flowers on the altar for Sunday, September 22, are given to God’s glory by Michael & Kristin Litynski in memory of Elisha.
People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our last church service): Claudia & Keith Eisberg; Kathy Vaughan; John & Kari Sehloff; Hal & Marsha Natvig; Gideon Franson; Katie Tweit; Solomon Faugstad; Owen Saidler; Steve Johnson; Duane Pansegrau; Darci Matzke; Lorena Merseth; and Jody Lieske.
“Make it, bake it, and then you take it”: Mt. Olive’s Annual Mission Support Sale is Sunday, September 22. Proceeds from this sale are given as Mt. Olive’s contribution to the Circuit 9 Mission Rally on October 19 at Norseland. All monies collected go to help ELS foreign and home missions. Donations in the form of checks may be made out to Mt. Olive Lutheran Church, with “Mission Support” in the memo line. Thank you!
Artemis Kick-off Event: Sunday, September 22, 6-9pm at the Wow! Zone. Students ages 12-18 can enjoy unlimited bowling, laser tag, and mini golf. Pizza and drinks will be provided. Cost: $10/person. Check the September edition of the Olive Press or the poster on the church bulletin board in the narthex for more information. Click on the QR code to RSVP.
Bethany Lutheran College’s National Auxiliary Day is Monday, September 23, beginning at 9am. Hear from staff and students regarding the exciting things happening at BLC. Mt. Olive member Dan Birkholz will be the main speaker. The group will also take part in the annual business meeting where Auxiliary members vote on special projects to support. Check the Bethany bulletin board in the narthex for a schedule of events and speakers.
The 9th Annual Charger Challenge Event is Friday, September 27. Come and walk with our students, teachers, and school families, beginning at 9:45am; or volunteer to be at a cheering station along the route; or sponsor our students. You can give online at, or give a check made out to Mt. Olive Lutheran School.
Starting Tuesday, October 1, we'll be offering an additional service with Holy Communion each week. This 7am service will be a shortened Matins service and will run about a half hour. The purpose behind us offering this additional service is simply for you all to have another opportunity to receive our Lord Jesus in Word and Sacrament. So, come join us before the busy day of work and school and be refreshed with the Savior's help and forgiveness.
Sign up today to go to the 41st Annual Mission Rally held on Saturday, October 19, at Norseland Lutheran Church just outside of St. Peter. This rally has been planned as a family event. The sign-up sheet is on the narthex table. Please indicate the following: number of adults and children attending; ages of the children (special activities are being planned for 5-12-year-olds); any specific dietary needs that you/others in your family might have; and whether you would need a ride or could give others a ride. Sign-up deadline is October 5.
Mark your calendars: Sunday, October 13, will be our next New Member Reception Sunday. New members will be formally accepted and welcomed at the first service. Between services, join us for a New Member Reception event in the Social Hall.
“On the Mount of Olives” podcast: Be sure to check out our latest episode, where Prs. Soule and Ulrich have a great conversation with Bethany Lutheran Professor Peter Bloedel. They discuss how Christians should view the dramatic arts. Bloedel also gives us a sneak peek of his upcoming Christmas production.
Sehloff Meal Train: A meal train has been set up to help support John and Kari Sehloff while John recovers from heart surgery. Please click on the link if you're interested in helping provide a meal. Alternatively, meal and gas cards have been identified as a way to help as they will be traveling back and forth to the Twin Cities for appointments. Please continue to keep them in your prayers.
Jesus Loves Me Learning Center at St. Paul’s Lutheran in North Mankato is looking for an administrative assistant (20-25 hours/week) to assist with organization of student and employee files, enrollment application processing, event planning, monthly newsletters, and filing of licensing paperwork. Email Director LaShawn Smith at to learn more, or pick up an application from St. Paul’s office.
Happening at Bethany Lutheran College: Art Exhibition in the YFAC Gallery: The artwork of Minnesota native and Bethany alumna Laura Sonnek will be on exhibit from September 23-October 11, with an Opening Reception on Thursday, September 26, at 7pm in the YFAC.
Join us September 27 – 29 for the 2024 Bethany Fall Festival: A Homecoming Weekend. This event includes activities for all ages and alumni reunions. All alumni and friends are invited to be part of the weekend. Enjoy athletic contests, live music, and more! For more information, go to
Come one, come all to The Servant of Two Masters, a one-act adaptation of the play by Carlo Goldini, performed outside under the tent on the Campus Green. Showtimes: Friday, September 27, at 7pm and 9pm; Saturday, September 28, at 5pm and 7 pm (note time change); and Sunday, September 29, at 2pm. Tickets are only $5. Visit the Bethany Box Office after September 6 to reserve your general admission seating.
The Drumline and Concert Band will perform with alumni and friends during the Fall Festival on Saturday, September 28. The Drumline will perform at the alumni tent on the Campus Green at 11am. The Concert Band, featuring Guest Conductor Dr. Miles Wurster, will perform in Trinity Chapel at 3:15pm. All are invited to attend these free events and enjoy some rousing music and fun!
Two Concert Opportunities: 1. A first-ever Honor Choir Concert by students in grades 9-12 is Saturday, October 5, at 5pm in Trinity Chapel. The Honor Choir event is a wonderful opportunity for students in high school to be nominated by their directors and spend the day singing with college-level instruction. Please attend this concert to see and enjoy all that can be accomplished in a day! 2. The Chamber Orchestra Fall Concert is Sunday, October 6, at 4pm in Trinity Chapel.
Both concerts are free and open to the public.
Bethany Lutheran College has the following positions available: Director – Administrative Computing and Institutional Reporting; and Custodian – Academic Buildings. Learn more at
Sunday: 8:30am, 287/194; 10:45am, 179/118; Monday: 59/38
Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 18
Greeters: 1st Service—Don & Beth Westphal, Joel & Carol Petersen 2nd Service—Joni Bode
Offering Counters: Mark Graham, Mark Olson
Altar Guild: Lynette Merseth, Krista Petzel
Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $14,200.72
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $1,055.06
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1-September 19): $14,910.48
Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 8/31/2024: ($22,759.47)
2 Corinthians 9:8 God is able to make all grace overflow to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will overflow in every good work.
To give your offering online, go to and click on the “Online Giving” tab.
Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement