June 2, 2024

Flowers on the altar for Sunday, June 2, are given to God’s Glory in celebration of Amelia Tenold’s 9th birthday.

Adult Bible Study: Join us for a special presentation by Rev. David Thompson, the Director of The Center for Apologetics and Worldviews, on Sunday, June 2, at 11AM in the Sanctuary.

Mt. Olive member Sharon Irwin passed away this past Sunday, May 26. Visitation will be held at the Northview North Mankato Mortuary in North Mankato on Tuesday, June 4, from 4-7pm. The Memorial Service will be held at 11am on Wednesday, June 5, at Mt. Olive, with visitation starting at 10am. More information is available at mankatomortuary.com/obituaries/sharon-irwin.

Mt. Olive member Mark Wiechmann passed away this past Monday, May 27. The funeral service will be held at 1:30 pm on Sunday, June 9, at Mt. Olive.

Consider sponsoring a summer outdoor planter! Traverse Des Sioux Garden Center in St. Peter has provided arrangements for our six large outdoor planters by the Marsh and McConnell St. entrances. Sharon Madson will take care of these planters throughout the summer season. Four planters are still available for individuals, families or groups to sponsor at $130 each. A sign-up sheet and “Sponsor a Planter” envelopes are available on the narthex table. Pick up an envelope as you sign up, insert a check (written to Mt. Olive) for $130 in the envelope, and place it in the church office Flower Box by Sunday June 9.

Nursery Committee Fundraiser Update: Thank you to all who have donated to the Nursery Committee Fundraiser! Please consider filling one of the remaining envelopes on the board in the narthex hallway with the designated donation amount and dropping it off in the church office by Sunday, June 9. Donations will be used to update furniture, purchase a swivel rocking chair, tint the windows to give nursing mothers more privacy, install toddler seats in the two bathrooms by the Kindergarten room, install floating shelves (for safety and so parents can choose to get a book or toy down), purchase books timely to the church year, and much more. We appreciate your generosity!

Encourage One Another’s monthly meeting has been moved to Sunday, June 16, at 1pm.

The 2024 ELS Annual Convention is June 16-20. A detailed schedule of events is posted on the narthex bulletin board and in the June issue of the Olive Press. Or, go the ELS 2024 convention website at els.org/convention.

The ELS Historical Society invites all to attend the presentation, “Hymnbook Traditions of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod,” on Synod Sunday, June 16, at 7pm in the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center at Bethany Lutheran College. The business meeting will follow.

The 6th Annual Apologetics and Worldview Conference is Thursday, June 20, at 10AM at Bethany Lutheran College. Details about the presentations are posted on the narthex bulletin board and in the June edition of the Olive Press. Learn more at apologeticscenter.org/events/.

Organ Recitals: The Sioux Trails Chapter of the American Guild of Organists presents its annual Summer Noontime Organ Recitals at 12:10pm on Tuesdays in Mankato. In June, the series begins at Christ the King Lutheran Church, 222 Pfau St., Mankato, with performances by Chad Winterfeldt (6/18) and Mark DeGarmeaux (6/25). Each recital is free. Visit www.agosiouxtrails.org  for more information.

The Mt. Olive Talent Show is Sunday, June 30, at 2pm at the Sigurd Lee Theatre in the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center at Bethany Lutheran College. There is an ice cream social after the talent show. More information and a sign-up sheet are available on the narthex table. Contact Peter Bloedel at heypete@blc.edu with questions.

Mt. Olive’s Vacation Bible School is July 1-3. Join us for an awesome VBS that is all about Baptism! Our theme this year is: "Baptism Saves You!" (1 Peter 3:21). Registration is now open. Go to bizwizmarketing.typeform.com/to/R2DjzZT8 or click on the VBS registration link on the church website and complete the form. We still need some helpers. If you are willing to be a group leader or can help with crafts or outdoor activities, let Pastor Soule know at (763)-482-1488. Thanks so much!

Mt. Olive members donated 48.5 pounds of food to the ECHO Food Shelf during the month of May. Thank you! The Food Shelf can use empty egg cartons; please drop them off in the food shelf basket in the narthex hallway.

Help Rhea During Janet’s RecoveryJanet Wassman was recently diagnosed with cancer and is recovering from surgery. Janet has been caring for her 45-year-old daughter, Rhea, who has special needs. During Janet’s recovery, extra care is needed for Rhea. A “GoFundMe” page has been set up to cover the cost of Rhea’s care. To contribute, go to gofund.me/7fbf3b74. Thank you!

From Mt. Olive Principal Benjamin Springer:  “Family and Friends of Mt. Olive: Thank you for your rich support and encouragement throughout this school year. It is our great privilege and pleasure to assist you in the Christian training and instruction of your children, and it is our joy to see their faith grow and shine through their words and actions. We are grateful for the opportunity to support your families, and we look forward to seeing everyone again in August. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. May God bless your summer!”

Episode 4 of the "On the Mount of Olives" Podcast is now available! Listen as Chaplain Don Moldstad joins Pr. Ulrich & Pr. Soule to talk about his experiences as a young man at Mt. Olive. In Episode 5 (available June 5), Chaplain Moldstad describes his time as a pastor. Subscribe and tune in to either Spotify or Apple, or go to the Mt. Olive website.

Traveling this summer? As you travel for vacation or work, it is good to spend time hearing and learning God’s Word. Sometimes, distance, time or other factors make it difficult to attend a Divine Service at a Lutheran church of our fellowship. Last year, the ELS’s Worship Committee assembled a “Summer Worship for Travelers” booklet designed for worship in any setting. Copies are available on the narthex table.

Bethany Fund: Bethany Lutheran College is wrapping up its fiscal year on June 30, 2024. The College is striving to meet a fundraising goal of $750,000 for the Bethany Fund and is still seeking roughly $200,000 in gifts to meet the goal. Many ELS pastors, congregations and individual members make regular financial contributions to our College. Visit blc.edu/bethanyfund or call the Advancement Office at 507-344-7000 to learn more about how you can support our ELS college. Thank you for your support!

Job Openings: BLC is taking applications for the following positions: Assistant to Registrar; Registrar’s Support Specialist; Admissions Counselor; and Fine Arts Event Coordinator. Go to blc.edu/campus-life/campus-services/human-resources/bethany-jobs/ for more details.

Golfers: Mark your calendar for the annual Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School Golf Classic on Monday, July 8, at the New Ulm Country Club. This event supports the tuition assistance program at MVL. The $125 golf fee includes 18 holes, a shared cart, and dinner. Lunch will be available for purchase at the grill. Register now at mvl.org.

New 2 You Family Thrift Store has an opening for a store manager at 25-35 hours per week. Individuals who have worked in retail/customer service and have leadership skills are encouraged to apply. Profits from New 2 You sales help support Christian education in our six Association Churches and at Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School. Please click these links to access the job application and job description.

 Paper copies of the application and job description are available at the church office or at the Thrift Store; drop off or mail completed applications to:

 New 2 You Family Thrift Store 1838 Commerce Drive North Mankato, MN 56003

 If you have any questions, please contact Lu Ann Sting at 507-344-1939 or luannsting@gmail.com.


Sunday: 8:30am, 168; 10:45am, 165; Monday: 14/14

Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 14


Greeters:  Bill & Suzanne Bohning

Offering Counters: John Schauer, Jim Gullixson

Altar Guild: Elyse Haugen


Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $19,609.22   

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $695.55

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total as of May 30: $252,924.43

Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 4/30/2024: ($96,228.39)

Philippians 4:19 (EHV) And my God will fully supply your every need, according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.

Did you know you can give your offering online? Just go to www.mtolivelutheran.org and click on the link “donate online.”

Mt. Olive Worship Services on TV: Mt. Olive services are available on local cable channels 7 & 507 (Consolidated Communications) and 181 (Charter) on Wednesdays at 10am and Thursdays at 11:30am.

Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement

The mission of Mount Olive Lutheran Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through God’s Word, so that souls are called into and kept in the Christian faith unto eternal life.


June 9, 2024


May 26, 2024