April 21, 2024
Baptized on Monday, April 15: Martin Dimitry Bowers. Martin is completing his Bible Information class and will be received as a new member by profession of faith.
Baptized on Saturday, April 20: Crew James Staloch, infant son of Cole Staloch and Lexi Tweeten, was born March 28, 2024. Sponsors are Aneka Tweeten & Tyler Burandt, Cambria Nissen & Nick Staloch.
Flowers on the altar for Sunday, April 21, are given to God’s glory by the Will & Lisa Holt family.
Informational Meeting: All are welcome to join us on Sunday, April 21, at 9:40am in the church Social Hall for our spring congregational informational meeting. Get an update from our Boards and Committees about how things at Mt. Olive are going!
Special Voters’ Meeting: Sunday, April 21, at noon. This meeting has been called by the Church Council in response to a petition submitted by voting members seeking clearer information and requesting another vote on the updates to our chancel area and the addition of artwork on the wall behind the altar. For more information, please see the email sent to congregation members on April 12 OR find hard copies of the letter and items under consideration on the counter in the church office. If you have questions or concerns, please speak with our congregational Chairman, Adam Saidler, or another member of our Church Council. Please let the church office know if you did not receive the email.
Mt. Olive member Jana Finken’s father passed away on Sunday, April 14. The funeral is Tuesday, April 23, at 11am at St. John’s Lutheran in New Ulm. Visitation is from 4-7pm on Monday, April 22, at Minnesota Valley Funeral Home—North Chapel in New Ulm and from 10-11am on Tuesday at St. John’s Lutheran. More information is available at mvfh.org.
Mt. Olive member Jerry Hansen passed away on Friday, April 12. The funeral will be held on Friday, April 26, at Mt. Olive, with visitation from 9-11am and a memorial service at 11am. Interment is at noon at Glenwood Cemetery, followed by a celebration of life/party at the WOW Zone. For more details, go to mankatomortuary.com.
VBS Planning: Pastor Soule is looking for volunteers to help organize our VBS, which will be held July1-3. This committee will meet 3 or 4 times before July to help organize volunteers, delegate duties, develop a curriculum, and plan a schedule for the three days of VBS. Our first planning meeting is Wednesday, May 1, at 6:30pm in the Social Hall. We also need volunteers to teach and to help with crafts, outdoor activities, and music. Let Pastor Soule know (pastorsoule@gmail.com or 763-482-1488) if you can help.
Attention High School-Aged Youth (confirmed or completed 8th grade): 1. The Lutheran Youth Honor Choir is at Bethany Lutheran College from June 15-19. Register by June 1 at els.org/honorchoir. Cost: $225. 2. The LYA National Youth Convention in Chicago from July 25-28. Register at els.org/LYA. Cost: $300 until June 1, and $350 after June 1 until July 1. 3. Registered LYA Attendees: Contact Lance Johnson by May 12 to receive your $100 refund for LYA.
Nursery Committee Fundraiser: On Mother’s Day, May 12, Mt. Olive members are invited to stop by the Nursery Committee display in the old narthex hallway. Visit with members of the Nursery Committee, learn about proposed updates to the nursery, and help fund a list of items needed to make our nursery welcoming and usable for young families.
Volunteer Softball Coach(es) Needed: Mt. Olive Lutheran School needs volunteer coaches for our Grades 7 & 8 co-ed softball program for this spring softball season. Practices could begin as early as 3:15 at Washington on Tuesdays and Fridays; times would be determined by when coaches are available. Practices are held at the softball field behind Washington Grade School. Coaches are responsible for pitching to their team during the games. We have one tournament on Thursday, May 16 at Caswell Park beginning at 9:00. Contact Mr. Zibrowski at mrz@mtolivelutheran.org for more information. Thank you.
Softball Umpires Needed: Mt. Olive Lutheran School is sponsoring a grade school co-ed softball tournament on Thursday, May 16, at Caswell Park. Games begin at 8:30am and finish around 3:30pm. We are looking for volunteers (or paid individuals) for umping. Umps do not need to worry about balls and strikes, since they just call the bases. Each batter gets 4 pitches to attempt to get a hit. Batters may still strike out. Umps will need to know the basic softball rules. If you can help, contact Mr. Zibrowski by calling the school office at 345-7927 or emailing him at mrz@mtolivelutheran.org.
Plan to attend Norseland Lutheran Church’s annual Syttende Mai Smørgåsbord Dinner on Saturday, May 18, from 4-7:30pm. Check the poster on the narthex bulletin board for more information.
"On the Mount of Olives": “We've started a new podcast here at church. Join us every other week for a new episode as we sit down and have a conversation together "On the Mount of Olives," where we can encourage one another, pray for one another, and discuss a variety of things pertaining to theology and church. During your busy week, we hope you can hang out with us while doing the dishes, going for a run, or driving home from work in your car. Subscribe, follow, and tune in on Spotify!" -Pr. Soule & Pr. Ulrich.
The Board of Directors at New 2 You has indicated that sales during the 4th quarter of 2023 allowed New 2 You to disburse $17,250 to Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School and $950.00 to each of the six association churches, including Mt. Olive.
Volunteers Needed: Mt. Olive provides volunteers at New 2 You on the first Saturday of each month to run the cash register and check out customers. A sign-up sheet for Saturday, May 4, is available on the narthex table. Sign up or call New 2 You at 507-385-1455 if you can help.
Attention MVL Choir Alumni: On Sunday, April 21, at 7pm, MVL will hold its year-end concert at MLC's Chapel of the Christ. The concert will feature the MVL A Capella Choir and Chargaliers singing our favorite tunes from this school year. The music is also available using this link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLpbN9v3V3M&pp=ygUMc3RheSB3aXRoIHVz
Jeff Koepsell Retirement Reception: At the close of this school year, Jeff Koepsell will retire from the teaching ministry. Jeff has faithfully served our Lord for the past 46 years, and seventeen of those have been at MVL. MVL will recognize Jeff's service as part of the year-end concert at MLC on Sunday, April 21, at 7pm in the Chapel of the Christ. Following the concert is a reception in Jeff's honor in the basement of the chapel. If you would like to send Jeff a note of thanks or a congratulatory message, it can be addressed to Sarah Allee at MVL (sallee@mvlhs.org).
MVL’s Spring Play, How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, will be performed on Friday and Saturday, April 26 & 27, at 7pm, and Sunday, April 28, at 2pm at The State Street Theater Co. in New Ulm. Tickets are $5 (K-12) and $7 for adults and may be purchased at the door.
MVL’s 2024 After-Prom Event is Saturday, May 11, at the New Ulm Vogel Fieldhouse. The parents of this year’s MVL Juniors are asking for donations of food. Please consider making a donation by using our online signup by Tuesday, April 30: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0C4AADAB29A7F58-49015374-2024. Contact Jenna at 507-995-5519 with questions.
Full Orchestra & Concert Band: Tuesday, April 23, at 7:30pm in Trinity Chapel. The Concert Band will perform True Calling, Let the Spirit Soar, and The Empire Strikes Back. Next, the Full Orchestra will perform the Romeo and Juliet Overture, the 5th movement of Beethoven's 6th symphony, and a 25-year anniversary performance of Star Wars, Episode I. Following the concert is a reception in the YFAC in celebration of the upcoming May and December graduates. If you are unable to attend the 4/23 event in person, go to https://blc.edu/campus-life/spiritual-life/chapelcast/.
Outdoor Jazz Spring Concerts: Sunday, April 28, at 3pm and Monday, April 29, at 5pm on the campus green (Sigurd Lee Theater if inclement weather). The jazz band is under the first-year direction of Mr. Evan Bierer. The concert will be livestreamed and archived on Facebook.
B-Town Drumline Shows: Saturday, May 4, at 4pm and 7pm in the Sigurd Lee Theater. Twenty-four drummers take the stage for this 20-year celebration of the start of drumline at Bethany. Guests receive complimentary glow sticks and ear plugs for this high energy event. Drumline show runtime is about 50 minutes. The concert will be livestreamed and archived on Facebook.
Theatre Bible School: June 17-21, at Bethany Lutheran College. Registration is open to students entering 3rd-8th grade. There is a $40 registration fee (with family discount options) to cover costs of food, costumes, and props, as well as to help compensate directors for taking time out of their work week. Payment will be collected upon arrival at camp; registration will close on June 1. To register or find out more information about the schedule, go to https://tinyurl.com/TheatreBibleSchool.
Job Openings: BLC is taking applications for an Admissions Counselor; Assistant/Associate Professor - Nursing; Registrar; Assistant Registrar; and Head Coach – Tennis. Go to blc.edu for more details.
Sunday: 8:30am, 322; 10:45am, 187; Monday: 33/18
Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 29
Greeters: 1st Service—Steve & Lois Jaeger, Tom & Joni Bode
2nd Service—Dan & Joanne Maas, Terri Westphal
Offering Counters: Will Holt, Lance Schwartz
Altar Guild: Emily Christensen, Peggy Harstad
Media Center: Benjamin Springer
Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $29,711.73
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $20,641.38
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total as of Apr. 18: $245,703.67
Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 3/31/2024: ($86,969)
Romans 8:32 Indeed, he who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all— how will he not also graciously give us all things along with him?
Did you know you can give your offering online? Just go to www.mtolivelutheran.org and click on the link “donate online.”
Mt. Olive Worship Services on TV: Mt. Olive services are available on local cable channels 7 & 507 (Consolidated Communications) and 181 (Charter) on Wednesdays at 10am and Thursdays at 11:30am.