March 23, 2025

Flowers on the altar for Sunday, March 23, are given to God’s glory by Hal Natvig in honor and thanksgiving for George Lee Natvig (born July 7, 1945), son of Alvin & Valborg Gullixson Natvig, who is battling bladder cancer.

People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our recent church services):  Owen Saidler, Solomon Faugstad, Katie Tweit, Lorena Merseth, Jeanette Koberg, Pastor Mike Barlow, Janet & Rhea Wassman, and Teresa Dzwonkowski. We also prayed for Dennis Marzolf and his family as his mother continues to struggle with health issues.

Join us this Sunday, March 23, at 9:40am in the Social Hall for a presentation on Bethany Lutheran College. President Pfeifer is unable to attend due to a death in the family. In his place, BLC Vice Presidents Jason Lowrey and Daniel Mundahl will be providing updates and answering questions regarding BLC.

This past week, Mt. Olive was notified by the IRS that our ERTC (Employee Retention Tax Credit) refund which was filed for in September of 2023 has finally been approved! Checks totaling $265,018.88 (original amount claimed of $209,450.57 + interest of $55,568.31) will be arriving in the next few weeks. These funds will be used to pay down our LOC (Line of Credit) Mortgage at First National Bank. These funds are not part of our 2nd Year of Jubilee campaign which sits at approximately $140,000 in gifts for the current fiscal year, leaving us about $110,000 short of our goal. We give thanks to the Lord for such a wonderful blessing and give all glory alone to God!

--Greg Costello, Treasurer

Our next Lenten service is Wednesday, March 26. Our Lenten Series “God on Trial” continues with a meal served by the Board of Stewardship at 5pm, followed by worship at 6:30pm. Pastor Ken Mellon will be preaching on Matthew 26:57-75, with a message entitled “Testimony.”

Upcoming BIC Class: A new Bible Information Class (BIC) will begin on Sunday, March 30, at 9:40am (location-TBD). Invite friends, family members or neighbors who are interested in joining our church, or simply wanting to learn more about the Christian faith, to join us and come along with them to support them if you're able. It is great review of the faith for everyone! 

Mt. Olive received $1,041.00 in Thrivent Choice Dollars Grant Funding in 2024. Thrivent members can still direct any remaining 2024 Choice Dollars to Mt. Olive by March 31.

Easter Flower Baskets: If you would like to contribute towards Easter flower basket arrangements, please use the sign-up sheet on the table in the narthex. Suggested donation is $25; however, any amount is accepted. Insert checks made payable to Mt. Olive Lutheran Church in the provided envelope and place it in the church office Flower Box. Last day to order is Sunday, April 6.

Is your group or organization interested in sponsoring a Lenten meal? April 9 is still available—you can sign up on the calendar in the church office.

Attention all brass players: The Mt. Olive Brass Band will be playing for the Easter Sunrise service. If you are interested in participating, please contact Hannah Zibrowski at 507-720-2095 or by email at

Camp counselors are needed for Camp Indianhead MN. This year, there are two weeks of camp: July 6-11 (high schoolers) at Lutheran Island Camp in Henning, MN, and July 13-18 (grades 5-8) at Camp Omega near Waterville, MN. Counselors oversee a cabin and participate in sports, games, campfires, worship, and study God's Word with campers. Counselors receive a stipend, travel reimbursement, and internship credit for some majors. If you are interested for one week or both, apply online at or contact Pr. Stafford ( by April 15.

LYA National Youth Convention ’25: July 24-27 at Eastern Washington University in Spokane, WA. Early registration is available until June 1; cost is $300. Late registration is June 2-July 1; cost is $350. Register early to ensure your top picks for classes. Check the poster on the narthex bulletin board for more details. Additional information and registration are available at

Open Positions at LMSG: Lutheran Military Support Group (LMSG) is seeking a part-time paid bookkeeper to manage financial transactions, contributions, and reports for the organization. Additionally, there is a volunteer opening for an LMSG Their Stories Told interviewer/writer to share the stories of WELS/ELS Military Service Members. LMSG provides Christ-centered support to WELS and ELS Military Service members, veterans, and their families. Learn more at

Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School Updates

MVL’s Jeans and Dreams Booster Club Auction: April 5, at the Historic Turner Hall in New Ulm. Doors open at 5:30pm. Funds raised benefit fine arts, athletics, and academic teams at MVL. If you wish to donate an item (new & unopened), themed-basket, experience, baked goods, weekend vacation, fishing trip, etc. for our live auction, silent auction, or buy-it-now-table, contact Michelle Grubbs:; Karly Kock:; or Jess Ziemer: 507-779-4090. Hard deadline for donations: 3pm on Friday, March 28.

Sign-up for MVL’s Summer Camps is now available at The registration deadline is April 25.

MVL’s After-Prom Event is Saturday, April 26, at the New Ulm Rec Center. This event gives our students a safe space to celebrate after their big night. MVL’s Junior parents are reaching out for donations to help cover costs like venue rentals, food, and entertainment. You can donate by going to this link online: Donation checks can also be made out to the MVL After-Prom Committee and mailed to MVL. Thank you for considering our request and for your ongoing support of our students!

Happening at Bethany Lutheran College

Recitals: The Music Department will host a number of junior and senior recitals throughout the month of March. Please visit the BLC Events Calendar and take note of these upcoming spring semester performances.

Art Exhibit: “Working from Home,” by Eric Ouren, will run in the Gallery from March 10-28. "Working From Home" features figurative fiber sculptures created in Ouren's Kasota studio. He is an artist and luthier whose work explores using traditional materials in nontraditional ways.

Performances of the Spring Play  “As You Like It” are April 4-6 and 11-12. The box office for this event opens on Monday, March 10.Tickets can be purchased by visiting, calling 507-344-7374, or stopping by the YFAC Mondays-Fridays from 1-4 p.m.

Lutheran Youth Honor Choir ’25June 14-18, on the Bethany campus. This five day camp for high school-aged youth (completed 8th grade) is an immersive study and performance in our rich Lutheran musical heritage; students will be collaborating with both current and alumni members of the Bethany Concert Choir. Registration is open from February 1 - June 1; cost: $250. Check the poster on the Bethany bulletin board in the narthex for more details. Additional information and registration are available at

Summer Art Camp: June 16-20, on the Bethany campus. There will be a morning camp for students entering grades 5-8, and an afternoon camp for students entering grades 9-12. For more information and to register, click here. You may also contact Jenna Thompson at with questions. Space is limited, so register now to secure your spot for this enriching camp!

Registration for BLC 2025 summer camps is now available at

BLC is taking applications for the following positions: Housekeeping - Residence Halls (men’s); Assistant/Associate Professor - Mathematics; Adjunct Faculty – Nursing; Assistant/Associate Professor – Nursing; Residence Hall Coordinator – Larson Hall; and Residence Hall Coordinator - Edgewood Place. For more information, go to



Sunday: 8:30am, 248/194; 10:45am, 161/122; Monday: 24/21; Tuesday: 17/15

Wednesday: 174

Live Online Viewing, Sunday (8:30am): 29


Greeters:  1st Service — Tom & Joni Bode, Craig & Lisa Brown 2nd Service — Terri Westphal, Dan & Joanne Maas  Offering Counters: Lisa Holt, Brenda Garbers, Connie Meyer Altar Guild: Lyn Merseth, Krista Petzel


Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $10,347.29

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $830.26

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1, 2024-March 20, 2025): $137,530.19

Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 2/28/2025: $46,585.42

2 Corinthians 9:7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity;

for God loves a cheerful giver.

To give your offering online, go to and click on the “Online Giving” tab.

Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement

The mission of Mount Olive Lutheran Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through God’s Word, so that souls are called into and kept in the Christian faith unto eternal life.


March 30, 2025


March 16, 2025