March 9, 2025
Flowers on the altar for Sunday, March 9, are given to God’s glory and praise by Will & Lisa Holt in memory of Will’s dad, Stanley Holt.
People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our recent church services): Owen Saidler, Solomon Faugstad, Katie Tweit, Lorena Merseth, Ruth Faye, Pastor Mike Barlow, Steve Beilke, Lois Jaeger, Jeanette Koberg, Pr. Mike Barlow, and Janet & Rhea Wassman. We also prayed for ELS Pastor Micah & Claudia Ernst who recently lost their home and possessions in a fire.
Join us for a Bible study entitled “Lessons from the Life of Joseph: Genesis 37-50”, led by Paster Ulrich, this Sunday, March 2, at 9:40am in the Social Hall.
Today's Door Offering for the Ernst Family: A recent house fire left ELS Pastor Micah Ernst and his wife Claudia without material necessities. To assist them as they buy things like clothing, shoes, towels, dishes, pots and pans, and even new car keys, please consider giving a donation to the door offering that will be gathered near the usher's table, or contribute at Pr. Ernst and his family live outside of Jefferson City, MO. He serves two ELS congregations while also serving as our ELS Circuit Visitor for churches in Missouri and Texas.
How do you start a church? Have you ever wondered how a congregation gets started? On Monday, March 10, at 7pm, in Meyer Hall Room 101, Rev. Brad Kerkow (ELS Evangelism and Missions Counselor) will speak on what it takes to get a congregation up and running. He was involved on the ground floor of two church starts. Join us for an interesting discussion and tips on personal evangelism. Everyone is invited to attend (this presentation is part of the “In Depth” series).
Jesus’ Lambs at Peace Preschool Open House: Tuesday, March 11, from 6-8 pm at 2090 Commerce Drive in North Mankato. It will be a delightful evening of face-painting, learning games, fun and food for the children. Besides registering your child for next year, it is an evening for the children to become more comfortable with our preschool environment. If you would like to register early, please call, text or leave a voice mail at 507-594-8929.
Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School Open House: Tuesday, March 11, at 6:30pm, for new and prospective students. See the poster on the narthex bulletin board for more information.
Come to the I:55 Book Fair this week. The Fair is located in the school gymnasium; the dates are Wednesday, March 12, 2:45 - 5:45pm; Thursday, March 13, 8:30am – 12pm; Friday, March 14, 8:30am – 12pm; and Sunday morning, March 16, 9:30am – 12:15pm.
Our next Lenten service is Wednesday, March 12. Our Lenten Series “God on Trial” will begin with a meal hosted by the Bethany Auxiliary starting at 5pm, followed by worship at 6:30pm. Pastor Micah Plocher will be preaching on Luke 23:26-34, with a message entitled “Sympathy”.
Have you joined Mt. Olive within the last six months? Sunday, March 16, will be our next New Member Reception Sunday. New members will be formally accepted and welcomed at the 8:30am service. Between services, join us for a New Member Reception event in the Social Hall. Also, if you joined Mt. Olive within the last year but weren’t able to attend the previous New Member Reception on Sunday, October 13, 2024, please attend the 8:30am service on March 16.
Mt. Olive Member Chuol Buol and his family want to extend their deep appreciation for the prayers, love, and generosity (via a GoFundMe page) that his Mt. Olive Church family showed to him after the death of his son Dak. He humbly requests your continued prayers as he travels back to Sudan in to visit his family and attend to family business for the next month.
Attention all brass players: The Mt. Olive Brass Band will be playing on Easter Sunday. If you are interested in playing, please contact Hannah Zibrowski at 507-720-2095 or by email at
Camp counselors are needed for Camp Indianhead MN. This year, there are two weeks of camp: July 6-11 (high schoolers) at Lutheran Island Camp in Henning, MN, and July 13-18 (grades 5-8) at Camp Omega near Waterville, MN. Counselors oversee a cabin and participate in sports, games, campfires, worship, and study God's Word with campers. Counselors receive a stipend, travel reimbursement, and internship credit for some majors. If you are interested for one week or both, apply online at or contact Pr. Stafford ( by April 15.
MVL’s After Prom Event is Saturday, April 26, at the New Ulm Rec Center. This event gives our students a safe space to celebrate after their big night. MVL’s Junior parents are reaching out for donations to help cover costs like venue rentals, food, and entertainment. You can donate by going to this link online Donation checks can also be made out to the MVL After Prom Committee and mailed to MVL. Thank you for considering our request and for your ongoing support of our students!
LYA National Youth Convention ’25: July 24-27 at Eastern Washington University in Spokane, WA. Early registration is available until June 1; cost is $300. Late registration is June 2-July 1; cost is $350. Register early to ensure your top picks for classes. Check the poster on the narthex bulletin board for more details. Additional information and registration are available at
Pick up your copy of the special Lenten Devotion Book, “Let Us Ever Walk with Jesus: A 40-day Lenten Journey Through the Book of Exodus.” This material was written by ELS Pastor Tony Pittenger and is suitable for all ages and families. Each day provides a devotional thought and an introduction to a chapter from the book of Exodus that you are then encouraged to read. The booklets are on the narthex table.
Open Positions at LMSG: Lutheran Military Support Group (LMSG) is seeking a part-time paid bookkeeper to manage financial transactions, contributions, and reports for the organization. Additionally, there is a volunteer opening for an LMSG Their Stories Told interviewer/writer to share the stories of WELS/ELS Military Service Members. LMSG provides Christ-centered support to WELS and ELS Military Service members, veterans, and their families. Learn more at
Happening at Bethany Lutheran College:
Recitals: The Music Department will host a number of junior and senior recitals throughout the month of March. Please visit the BLC Events Calendar and take note of these upcoming spring semester performances.
Art Exhibit: “Working from Home,” by Eric Ouren, will run in the Gallery from March 10-28.The Gallery Reception is Thursday, March 13, at 7pm. "Working From Home" features figurative fiber sculptures created in Ouren's Kasota studio. He is an artist and luthier whose work explores using traditional materials in nontraditional ways.
Performances of the Spring Play “As You Like It” are April 4-6 and 11-12. The box office for this event opens on Monday, March 10.Tickets can be purchased by visiting, calling 507-344-7374, or stopping by the YFAC Mondays-Fridays from 1-4 p.m.
Call For Entries–High School Poetry Contest: Are you a high school student with a passion for poetry or the written word? The BLC Theatre and English Departments and student publication Inkwell are joining forces and invite you to submit your original poetry or written work to our High School Poetry Contest, held in celebration of the upcoming spring production of William Shakespeare’s “As You Like It.” Winning submissions will be published digitally and in the “As You Like It” playbill. Winners are also invited to a special event on Saturday, April 12, to read their works and celebrate with fellow writers and creatives, and see the show! For more information and to submit your work, visit Submissions are open now and will close Friday, March 21.
Lutheran Youth Honor Choir ’25: June 14-18, on the Bethany campus. This five day camp for high school-aged youth (completed 8th grade) is an immersive study and performance in our rich Lutheran musical heritage; students will be collaborating with both current and alumni members of the Bethany Concert Choir. Registration is open from February 1 - June 1; cost: $250. Check the poster on the Bethany bulletin board in the narthex for more details. Additional information and registration are available at
Summer Art Camp: June 16-20, on the Bethany campus. There will be a morning camp for students entering grades 5-8, and an afternoon camp for students entering grades 9-12. For more information and to register, click here. You may also contact Jenna Thompson at with questions. Space is limited, so register now to secure your spot for this enriching camp!
Registration for BLC 2025 summer camps is now available at
BLC is taking applications for the following positions: Housekeeping - Residence Halls (men’s); Assistant/Associate Professor - Mathematics; Adjunct Faculty – Nursing; Assistant/Associate Professor – Nursing; and Residence Hall Coordinator – Edgewood Place. For more information, go to
Sunday: 8:30am, 310/236; 10:45am, 122/86; Monday: 23/19; Tuesday: 15/13
Ash Wednesday: 255/178
Greeters: 1st Service — Tom & Joni Bode, Craig & Lisa Brown 2nd Service — Terri Westphal, Dan & Joanne Maas Offering Counters: Lisa Holt, Brenda Garbers, Connie Meyer Altar Guild: Lyn Merseth, Krista Petzel
Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $32,037.53
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $6,306.66
Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1, 2024-March 6, 2025): $130,475.02
Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 1/31/2025: $57,305.35
2 Corinthians 9:7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity;
for God loves a cheerful giver.
To give your offering online, go to and click on the “Online Giving” tab.
Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement