January 12, 2025

Flowers on the altar for Sunday, January 12, are given to God’s glory by Mark & Sharon Madson.

People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our recent church services): Ruth Faye; Darci Matzke; Owen Saidler; Claudia Eisberg; Katie Tweit; Lorena Merseth; Mercedes Hansen; the Fred Lussky family (father of Steve Lussky); the Ken Bode family (father of Tom Bode); the Jody Lieske family; and the Dorothy Jensen family.

The funeral for Jody Lieske was held this past Wednesday, January 8, at Mt. Olive.

The funeral for Dorothy Jensen was held this Saturday, January 11, at Mt. Olive.

Baptized on Saturday, January 11: Sawyer Jacob Howe, infant son of Cody and Natasha Howe. Sponsors are Sidney and Charlie Larson.

Special Youth Camp Offering: During this Epiphany season, we focus on the ministry of the Gospel in all areas and walks of life. Our Synod's Youth Camp, Camp Indianhead, is currently in need of extra financial support as the camp will transition to two different weeks of camp due to the increased number of our youth attending camp. What a great problem to have! As such, today and next Sunday (January 12 & 19), we will have a basket in the narthex for a special offering for our camp. Thank you for your support!

Join us for a four-part Bible Study: The Maker of Heaven & Earth--His Attributes Are Clearly Seen, led by BLC Professor Rev. Dr. Doyle Holbird on Sundays from January 12 to February 2 in Mount Olive’s social hall at 9:45am. We will examine the evidence given for evolution and consider alternative explanations. We will also evaluate the scientific evidence for creation and study the differences between the theory of evolution and what the Bible teaches.

CDS Kindergarten Teacher Call Meeting: Sunday, January 12, at noon in the Mt. Olive Social Hall.

Mt. Olive member Claudia Eisberg passed away on Friday, January 10. The funeral service will be held at Mt. Olive on Saturday, January 18, at 11am, with visitation beginning at 10am. 

Get ready for a new season of “On the Mount of Olives that will air beginning February 1. We’re going to be changing our format to bring you more in-depth episodes. We can’t thank our producer Alex Gutzke enough for his work on this. It’s going to be awesome! In the meantime, catch up on our previous episodes (1-12) if you haven’t listened to them yet.

The Spring Session of the MOM’s Bible Study will begin on Thursday, February 6, from 8:30-10am, at Peace Lutheran. The study will be using “In God’s Orchard: Cultivating the Fruit of Spirit-Filled Life,” available at the BLC bookstore. Contact Heidi Graham at heidijennifergraham@gmail.com if you have questions.

Saturday & Sunday, February 8 & 9: Mt. Olive is hosting a special two-day workshop entitled “Everyone Outreach,” an interactive and fun program that helps us build a warm and welcoming culture to reach out to friends and neighbors. Don’t worry—we will make sure everyone is home in time to watch the Super Bowl on February 9. To help with planning, preregistration is required. You can preregister at Everyone Outreach Event or complete the sign-up sheet on the narthex table. Lunch and childcare will be available on Saturday.

Boxes of 2025 Offering Envelopes are now available on a table in the old narthex area. Please look for the box with your name on it as your number might have changed. To avoid confusion in applying your contributions, please use only 2025 envelopes in 2025. Thank you. If you would like to have a box of offering envelopes and did not see them on the table, please let the church office know.

2024 Giving Statements will be emailed later this week, around January 16. If you do not receive your statement via email and would like to have it emailed to you, let the church office know. Alternatively, paper copies of the statements are available upon request.

Mount Olive CDS 2025-2026 Enrollment is OpenPriority enrollment is now open to members of Mount Olive and Peace. Your early enrollment helps with our planning for next year. You can find the online application at mtolivelutheranschool.org/admissions. Please note that there will be an enrollment deposit which is applied towards your family's tuition. If you have any questions or any difficulty with the online application, please contact the Mount Olive school office at 507-345-4966 or email school@mtolivelutheran.org.

Attention Mt. Olive Crafters: The Andreas Cancer Center is running low on chemo hats. This is a great opportunity for you crafters in need of something to do! Please bring your creations to the church office.

Bus Drivers Needed at MVL: Current openings include both AM and PM route drivers and extracurricular activity drivers. We provide paid training and all expenses in getting your School Bus Drivers License. Apply today and join us in providing outstanding service to the families of MVL. If you have any questions or would like more information, feel free to reach out to Ray Vulcan, Palmer Bus Service MVL Site Manager at 507-995-5387.

Happening at Bethany Lutheran College Bethany’s Winter Musical: The Pirates of Penzance will run January 31, February 1, 2, 7, and 8. To purchase tickets, please visit blc.edu/boxoffice online or stop by the box office desk in the Ylvisaker Fine Arts Center between 1-4pm, Monday-Friday.

 Art Exhibit: The art of local artist Andrew Judkins is on exhibit in the YFAC Gallery from January 6-24. The exhibit, entitled “A Gathering of Waters,” features landscapes showcasing the beauty of God’s creation in our own region.

 “In Depth” Presentation: The Lutheran Way to be Catholic – Luther’s Reform of the Roman Mass, Tuesday, January 14, at 7pm in Meyer Hall, Room 101. Rev. David Jay Webber will give a presentation on how and why Martin Luther chose to preserve some of the worship order used in the Roman church.

The Chamber Orchestra will perform at Trinity Chapel (during chapel) at 10am on Friday, January 24.



Sunday: 8:30am, 270/182; 10:45am, 170/108; Monday: 22/17; Tuesday: 9/8

Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 24


Greeters:  1st Service—Steve & Lois Jaeger, Joe & Connie Meyer 2nd Service—Rachel Ulrich & Family, Bill & Sherri Bukowski  Offering Counters: Steve Lussky, Jon Pfeffer Altar Guild: Joni Bode, Connie Meyer, Vivian Smith


Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $12,265.17

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $626.38

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1, 2024-January 9, 2025): $105,785.81

Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit)as of 12/31/2024: $47,111.95

Psalm 116:12-13 What shall I render to the Lord for all His benefits toward me?

I will take up the cup of salvation, and call upon the name of the Lord.

To give your offering online, go to mtolivelutheran.org and click on the “Online Giving” tab.

Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement

The mission of Mount Olive Lutheran Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through God’s Word, so that souls are called into and kept in the Christian faith unto eternal life.


January 19, 2025


January 5, 2025