November 10, 2024

Flowers on the altar for Sunday, November 10, are given to God’s glory by the Veterans Bible Study.

On this Veterans Day weekend, we recognize and honor those who served in the United States military branches. The Lutheran Military Support Group supports WELS and ELS members of the military during active duty and after discharge; free-will donations to this group can be placed in the ammunition box on the narthex table. Thank you!

Concerned about our Country?-So were Lutherans in the 19th century! Come and hear what Pastor Koren of the Norwegian Synod and C.F.W Walther of the Missouri Synod had to say about the United States of America: her positives, negatives, slavery, freedom and all of it! Join us for a Bible study, entitled “How Is Our America Doing?,” led by Pastor Soule on Sunday, November 10, at 9:40am in the Social Hall.

Baptism Affirmation, Sunday, November 10, at 2nd service: Peter Daniel Halvorson, infant son of Daniel & Elizabeth Halvorson, was born September 18 and baptized on September 28 by Pastor Ulrich. Sponsors are Alex and Madeline Gutzke.

People We Are Praying For (We included prayers for these individuals in our last church service): Claudia Eisberg; Owen Saidler; Duane Pansegrau; Pete Schuch and his mother, Kathy; Katie Tweit; Darcy Matzke; Lorena Merseth; John Sehloff; Christina Harmon; Bob Heidenreich; Jody Lieske; Ben Faugstad; Christopher Pettman; and Mark DeGarmeaux.

Kiwanis Holiday Lights: Mt. Olive is again providing volunteers for the Kiwanis Lights in Sibley Park. Help with set-up on Saturday, November 16, from 9am to 12pm. Volunteer under the lights on Tuesday, December 17. Help with tear-down on Saturday, January 4. More information and a sign-up sheet are available in the Narthex. Please reach out to Matthew Holt at 507-340-8014 with questions. 

Mt. Olive’s ECHO Food Shelf Drive continues through next Sunday, November 24. Check the posters and display in the narthex for a list of suggested donations. Boxes are available outside each classroom door and in the narthex for your donations.

Sponsor a Winter Outdoor Planter! For the upcoming holiday season, the Traverse de Sioux Garden Center will again be filling our outdoor planters with a variety of outdoor greens, including spruce tips, birch, Norway pine, dogwoods, and pine cones. Individuals, families, or groups at Mt. Olive can “sponsor” a winter planter. Seven planters are available to sponsor at $125/each; a sign-up sheet and envelopes are available on the narthex table. Pick up an envelope as you sign up, insert a check written to Mt. Olive for $125, and place it in the church office Flower Box by November 24. Thank you!

Help provide Thanksgiving Dinner at The REACH, a drop-in center for homeless  youth. Check the display in the narthex for more information and sign-up sheets. Food will need to be delivered to the church kitchen by Monday, November 25 and placed on the counter or in the stainless steel refrigerator, clearly marked “For the REACH.” Please use disposable containers. Thank you!

 Can You Share a Pie? We are looking for 14 donated pies (homemade or purchased) to be shared after our Thanksgiving Eve service on Wednesday, November 27, at 6:30pm. A sign-up sheet is available on the narthex table. Please deliver your pie to the church kitchen on either Tuesday, November 26, or Wednesday, November 27.

 Red Cross Blood Drive in the Mt. Olive Gym: Friday, November 29, 10am-3pm. To schedule an appointment, please call 1-800-733-2767 or visit and enter MTOLIVEKATO. Check the poster on the church narthex bulletin board for more information.

ELS Ottesen Museum’s annual open house is Tuesday, December 10, from 2:30-5:30pm, at 4 Browns Court in Mankato. See the poster on the narthex bulletin board for more information.

Brass instrument players: Hannah Zibrowski is gathering a list of people willing to play for church services. If you are interested or need more information, contact her at or 507-720-2095 and indicate the instrument you play.

Mt. Olive Lutheran School is seeking an individual(s) to service as athletic director, either individually or as part of a team. The current athletic director, Mr. Zibrowski, is stepping down from the AD position after the 2024-2025 school year. If you are interested, contact Principal Springer.

 Could you bring a meal to the Beacon, the WELS/ELS college student center, at Minnesota State University—Mankato? The Beacon staff hosts a meal for the students each Thursday night at 5:30pm, and they are looking for volunteers to bring a meal. Reimbursement is available for expenses related to preparation of the food. Contact Hannah Zibrowski at 507-720-2095 or Pastor Hartman at 414-335-8604 if you have questions.

Attention Mt. Olive Crafters: Now, during the colder months, is the perfect time to do some creating. The Andreas Cancer Center at Mayo Clinic Hospital-Mankato is looking for more chem hats. Please bring your creations to the church office. Thank you!

After School Child Care is looking for fleece donations, as they will be making fleece blankets for individuals at The REACH. You can drop them off in the church office. ASC is also looking for kid-friendly, used magazines, such as National Geographic, Ranger Rick, Sports Illustrated for Kids, Time Kids, etc. (not Highlights).

Please continue to collect pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. You can drop off your donations in the church office. Our substitute teacher, Emily Holzheuter, and her husband Galen are currently staying at a Ronald McDonald house as their son, Jaron, grows stronger. Jaron was born prematurely and is currently in the NICU at Mayo-Rochester. Check their CaringBridge site for updates on Jaron’s condition, or to donate or offer encouraging words to them at this time:

Minnesota Valley Lutheran High School Updates:

MVL is hosting an Open House on Wednesday, November 13, for new and prospective students. Tours will be available beginning at 6:30pm, with a presentation by MVL Principal Dr. Tim Plath at 7pm. Learn about electives, financial aid, and more.

Tis the season! MVL students will again be selling wreaths, swags, and live garland to help bring the sights and scents of Christmas to your home or business! Look for friendly MVL students on Sunday mornings to help you place your order; or go to and place your order online. Order deadline is Sunday, November 17; most orders will be delivered to Mt. Olive on Thanksgiving weekend. This year’s proceeds are designated to help furnish the new Fine Arts Center. Thank you for your support!

Happening at Bethany Lutheran College:

BLC’s Chapel Service on Monday, November 11, will be conducted at the ELS Military Monument from 10:00-10:20am.

In Depth at Bethany Lutheran College Series: MLC prof. Dr. Luke Thompson will speak in MH101 (Seminar Room) at BLC on Monday, November 11, from 7-8PM. He will examine how St. Paul utilized Greek philosophical rhetoric when evangelizing at the Areopagus in Acts 17. 16-34. Luke is a very interesting speaker and will help us learn better ways to discuss our faith with others. Everyone is welcome to attend.

The BLC Auxiliary is meeting in Monday, November 11, at 7pm at the YFAC Choir Room (Room 101). Ann Fredrickson will be speaking on the topic “The Long and Winding Road: How a Liberal Arts Education Prepared Me For Where God Was Leading.”

Attend a play: “What Child Is This?,” presented by the Bethany Lutheran College Drama Department, on November 15, 16, 22 and 23 at 7:30pm and November 17, 23, and 24 at 2pm in the YFAC. Reserved seating is $18. To reserve tickets, visit the Bethany box office online at or in person in the YFAC on campus between 1-4pm weekdays. You can also call the box office at 507-344-7374.

The Fall Honors Recital will be held Tuesday, November 19, at 7pm in Trinity Chapel. This event features students who audition and are selected by Music faculty to perform. Please join us for this delightful recital and the reception that follows.

The next art exhibit at Bethany will be the Senior Capstone Exhibit, featuring the works of Darci Stockman, Hannah Rethemeyer, Elizabeth Strackbein, and Emmeline Metz. The gallery reception for this show will be held November 21 at 7pm, with a reception to follow.

Performances of the 2024 “Christmas at Bethany” concert are December 5, 6, and 7 at 5pm and December 8 at 3pm at Trinity Chapel. Advance registration is required. Admission is free; suggested donation: $20. A free-will offering will be collected at the concert. To reserve tickets, visit the Bethany box office online at or in person in the YFAC on campus between 1-4pm weekdays. You can also call the box office at 507-344-7374.

BLC has the following job openings: Director of Administrative Computing and Institutional Reporting, Coordinator of Visits and Admissions Media, Data & Messaging Coordinator - Admissions, and Adjunct Faculty – Nursing. Go to for more information.



Sunday: 8:30am, 267/217; 10:45am, 156/113; Monday: 39/34; Tuesday: 30/20 Live Online Viewing: Sunday (8:30am): 31


Greeters:  1st Service—Ryan & Sheila Ruschmeyer, Jerris & Kara Barents 2nd Service—Keith Anderson, Joyce Petersen  Offering Counters: Joe Meyer, Seth Ferkenstad Altar Guild: Carol Petersen, Sherri Bukowski


Given Last Week (excluding Year of Jubilee): $24,463.60

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Given Last Week: $1,086.38

Year of Jubilee Debt Reduction Total (July 1-November 7): $36,938.11

Fiscal YTD Actual Expenses vs. Budget Surplus (Deficit) as of 10/31/2024: ($12,569.48)

Romans 8:31-32 What then will we say about these things? If God is for us, who can be

 against us? Indeed, he who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—

how will he not also graciously give us all things along with him?

To give your offering online, go to and click on the “Online Giving” tab.

Mt Olive Lutheran Church Mission Statement

The mission of Mount Olive Lutheran Church is to proclaim the Gospel of Christ through God’s Word, so that souls are called into and kept in the Christian faith unto eternal life.


November 17, 2024


November 3, 2024